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  1. owlett

    40g breeder, how's this setup?

    :help: Alright, I had some previous experience with saltwater awhile ago and the tank just didn't do well, so I rearing to try it again, this time with a 40g breeder tank. I'm thinking of making this mostly an invert tank (shrimp, starfish crabs and the like) with a few low light soft corals...
  2. owlett

    Arrow Crab

    Nope, molting is a sign that he is healthy! they do that in order to grow bigger!
  3. owlett

    Lemon Peel angels and live rock

    cool guys thanks for responding so fast! Ok, I will try to convince my manager that I need to put live rock in our system. (I know we had some in there before, we have amphipods up to our elbows in our sandbed) However, the tank doesn't have a whole lot of current running through it, it's...
  4. owlett

    Lemon Peel angels and live rock

    Ok, hi everyone! Wow, it's been awhile since I posted last! Ok, I have a question about dwarf angels. I was wondering if the ABSOLUTLEY need live rock in order to thrive. The reason I'm asking is because I work at ***** and I get to play with the salt system there and we recently got a very...
  5. owlett

    Live rock and lighting ?????

    Ok, I've been trying to do alot of research on this topic because the question seems to come up quite alot. Does live rock need light to live???? I'm pretty sure that what causes it to work for filtration is the bacteria and small animals that live in it right? But bacteria doesn't need...
  6. owlett

    Why does my emerald crab have spots??

    bump anybody have an answer? I might be able to get a picture tommorow. .
  7. owlett

    Why does my emerald crab have spots??

    My crab appears to be doing fine, I've had him for a month now and he is eating and everything. But recently his shell has been bleaching! He is not covered in white spots that were not thre before. Is he dying???
  8. owlett

    hey, isn't ph supposed to be 8.3??

    hello, I just came home from work, as it turns out, I work at ***** now! I am happy because I have a job, but I hope they let me fiddle with the saltwater section. . .I don't want the fish to be so sick anymore! Anyways, I was just watching a training video that said that the PH for...
  9. owlett

    Need help with clippings of mushrooms.

    shrooms have got to be one of the most hard to kill animals in the world! They are really easy to cut apart but use clean sterile blades or scissors. And be fast too! When you start to cut the will get super slimey and shrivel into the size of a pea and then they are hard to cut. But don't...
  10. owlett

    what's going on in here??

    no I don't think that there is any way copper could have gotten into the tank. I use RO water. . .and I havne't put anything into the tank that could have leeched it out. I didn't know you could flip the lights over! :D that should help alot. I just got a job today too! (I quit petsmart...
  11. owlett

    what's going on in here??

    I think the name is actually proper Ph, sorry, my bad. Well, as far as the tests seems to say that my nitrates and nitrites and ammonia are all at zero. Which is good. My calcium is at 450, my ph is at 8.2 I am really begining to think is might be the lights, crud, I've only had them for about...
  12. owlett

    OT - Tornadoes suck!

    wow! I can't believe all the people who live in such a dangerous place as to have their whole house blow away! I'm glad you guys are all right though! I live in utah and we get earthquakes, I think they are still scarier than tornados too! Where I live I can see the wastach fault just afew...
  13. owlett

    Emerald Belly up this morning

    heres a good way to tell if it is a molt or a dead crab that I found out about while working in a petstore. If it is a molt then the back of the crab will easily open up without much effort, revealing the inside of a hollow shell. if it is dead. . .then the back will not open very easily, it...
  14. owlett

    what's going on in here??

    I haven't done any major water changes, salinity is about 1.022 I use RO water. the only thing I've added to the tank was an emerald crab, and he is small. think top of thumb to first joint in body size from side to side. the tank is a 29 gallon. I am using two 55 watt power compact lights My...
  15. owlett

    what's going on in here??

    Okay, for the past months my tank has been in good shape, then all of a sudden everything seems to be going downhill! I tested my water, everything is fine, good calcium, Ph, nitrite, trate, ammonia, everything, good. But my umbrella leather died! It completely shrivled up and fell off the...
  16. owlett

    crazy huge hermit crab

    holy crap that's one of those hermts that ***** was selling!! they had it in a tak full of fish and peppermint shrimp and everything! Boy are THEY on for a surprise!
  17. owlett

    Agggggghh!!!! Sexual Calurpa!!!

    ok thanks guys you are alot of help! I will start adding iron from now on.
  18. owlett

    I neeed PODS!!!!

    I hand feed my seahorse and she is a black one looks just like yours. I feed her frozen hikari mysis shrimp. You want to make sure that your mysis have bee nfortified or something becuse seahorses don't have a stomach so they metabolize everything very fast. try getting a pair of tweezers...
  19. owlett

    Agggggghh!!!! Sexual Calurpa!!!

    iron? where do I find that? I thought it needed iodine? My fish clownfish died last night too, do you think that it was from the carlupa??? the water seems clear now but there is green film all of the glass that's hard to scrape off.
  20. owlett

    Agggggghh!!!! Sexual Calurpa!!!

    MY GRAPE CALURPA IS GOING SEXUAL! My tank went green in about a two hour period and all my calurpa is transparent and has little hair like things poking out of it!!! My b/f had to pull all of the calurpa out of the tank that was clear and the glass is getting green film on it! I put carbon in...