Arrow Crab


Is an arrow crab reef safe? Also, will they harm cleaner shrimp? I just purchased a small one and I know they cannot be put with CBS, but I thougt they were ok with other things. But from what I've been reading here, they may not be. Dumb me for not reading up before buying!


Active Member
i have one in my reef with a variety of differnt corals and cleaner shrimp
mine doesnt harm anything except bristleworms
incase you didnt know bristleworms are prayed on by the arrow crab


Active Member
hate to say this, but arrow crabs are well noted for eating darn near anything form bristleworms to medium sized fish. Including shrimp and other crabs. They are very aggressive by nature and will find food sources.


Active Member
my friend had an arrow crab, everytime he would introduce a fish, they would end up hiding in a corner and die the next day. once he got rid of the arrow crab everything was fine. It was the arrow crab, not shock or anything if your thinking he didnt acculimate the fish right.


Active Member
My arrow crab never actually caught any of my shrimp or fish but he sure tried to. If you have any slow moving fish they are definitely not good to have.


A friend of mine has an arrow crab in her tank with two CBS and three good sized damsels and she has never had a bit of problem with it. I guess they are like everything else you can have good ones and bad ones.


I also have an arrow crab with a Coral Banded Shrimp, as well as four peppermint shrimp. The CBS and Arrow have "argued" once or twice, but they seem to do okay with each other. The Arrow did eat one of my peppermint shrimp, but I'm not sure if he killed it, or found it already dead.


I really like the arrow crab, especially while diving with them, but they do prey on sleeping fish so keep them feed well.


Mine just died about 4 days ago (I think). I found him hidden away in the xenia, and the Xenia was actually growing around his limbs.


and found my coral-banded shrimp dead ... then saw "his double" walking across the rocks! Whaa!? I only have one!
I guess his "corpse" was a molt.
Now I'm wondering if maybe my arrow molted and he's recuperating somewhere?
And is molting a sign of discomfort? My calcium has been running a bit high...


I purchased one a month or two ago and also got worried after reading some of the posts here. However, it was aggressive for the first week or so and then I realized he was not getting to the food before the fish would eat it. I now chop up some frozen formula 1 and 2 and feed it with a turkey baster to make sure he eats and he has been fine even with my shrimp.