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  1. daveinomaha

    brown on coral - is this ok?

    Yup, that is brown alge. It is the first to grow. I just finished my brown algee cycle last month. Your clean up crew will clean it up. Do you have a clean up crew going. I added about 5 snails & 12 blue leg hermets 2 weeks after the brown showed up. You may need to add supplimental food for...
  2. daveinomaha

    A ? about turbo snails & small white worms

    Calcium too high !....yikes!] Is there a list of perameters for saltwater chemicals... Im still quite new at this, I dont know what my levels should be. Thanks for all the help..... Dave in Omaha
  3. daveinomaha

    Setting Up Skimmer

    how old is the airstone, that may be old & worn out My skimmer takes these wooden blocks to produce millions of tiny (1mm) bubbles. I was told it will need replaced about every month. The smaller & more abundant the bubbles the more surface area, that is what u want.....or so I was told. Hope...
  4. daveinomaha

    Setting up skimmer???

    You man need to adjust the flow, so that your bubbles stay in the tube. Or maybe adjust the airflow down even more. Kepp tinkering with it, you'll find the setting! Best wishes.. Dave in Omaha
  5. daveinomaha

    A ? about turbo snails & small white worms

    I took a water sample to the LFS, I told them I only need the tests beyond the basics. I found out that my salinity gravity meter is off quite a bit. My salinity was at 1.o17, when my sEA teast read allmost 1.023.....YIKES Plus my Calcium level was 240, when it should be arround 800. They GAVE...
  6. daveinomaha

    Setting up skimmer???

    I too am setting up a skimmer, its a cheaper version....Red Sea air lift 60. It is the best I can afford at this time. I was told to start with a light amount of bubbles & over a period of 3-4 days to raise the amount of bubbles till they just start to reach the top (& pop) in the collection...
  7. daveinomaha

    A ? about turbo snails & small white worms

    The snail is smooth & well rounded. My stats are PH8.6 Selinity .o22 Nitrite & nitrate at 0 ammonia 0 temp 78* They were introduced into the tank after 30 min of floating, with 2 water additions, from my tank to the snails bag.....just like i was told to intro fish..... I do remember the...
  8. daveinomaha

    A ? about turbo snails & small white worms

    A few weeks ago I purchased 7 turbo snails & 2 orange turbo snails, all of good size! The reg turbo snails keep falling off the glass & ending up face up, they have a difficult time correcting themselves so i have to help them over. Also 3 turbos & 1 orange have died? all my levels are in the...
  9. daveinomaha

    Hello ALL...from the new guy.

    my fluval creates really good water circulation, should the powerhead be aimed at the waters surface or angled to circulate the tank.... thanks again........ Dave in Omaha
  10. daveinomaha

    Hello ALL...from the new guy.

    I have all the necessary test kits, the ammonia is high but still in the somewhat safe toxicity area of 1.1 -1.2 , according to this dry tab test kit. The fish still look in good shape & show no signs of stress.If it goes any higher I may do a smal water change as recomended...what about the...
  11. daveinomaha

    Hello ALL...from the new guy.

    Ive been reading up here on saltwater set ups for a few weeks now, TONS of info & you all seem really helpfull & polite. I just started a new 35 gallon saltwater tank, 2 damsels are starting the cycle. They have been in for 4 days now & seem to be doing just fine. I was wondering what I might...