Setting up skimmer???


Trying to figure out my aquaclear skimmer tonight. It has a powerhead that injects the water into it and makes a small whirlpool. It also has the venturi with adjustment on the powerhead. If i use that it makes tons of little bubbles that get picked up by my sump pump and sent to the tank. But it does foam more with the venturi. Do most people use the venturi on these things??


open up the venturi slightly
you dont want any bubbles back into the sump
but you do want bubbles in a fine mist into your skimmer


New Member
I too am setting up a skimmer, its a cheaper version....Red Sea air lift 60. It is the best I can afford at this time.
I was told to start with a light amount of bubbles & over a period of 3-4 days to raise the amount of bubbles till they just start to reach the top (& pop) in the collection area.
Just start the air bubbles low...I goofed & pluged it directly to my airpump,,,I didnt know I needed a limiter valve,,,,after a few minutes it looked like I was making Expresso or frapachinos....lololol :eek:
Im wondering WHAT & how a protein actually works.......
Im kind of like McGuyver, i like to know how everything
hope this helps...... dave in Omaha


I hook it up but all it does is foam white now. Still makes bubles in the tank regadless of what i do.. The tank is a new setup so i guess i dont have any junk to skim out just yet. Im going to leave it off for a month or so I think,.


New Member
You man need to adjust the flow, so that your bubbles stay in the tube. Or maybe adjust the airflow down even more.
Kepp tinkering with it, you'll find the setting!
Best wishes.. Dave in Omaha