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  1. saltwatersensae

    Frogspawn's color

    when a coral is closed its colors are magnified. Thhis happens because the tissue has tightened up there for making the algae in it look more intense. And as a general rule I do not buy corals that are not open in the lfs. Because you don't know if it is closed cause its sick or just cause...
  2. saltwatersensae

    AquaFuges Hang-On Refugium

    I to am interested in these and have thought about getting one. but it seems you could justas easliy buikd ine
  3. saltwatersensae

    What size of sump?

    ON my 50 gallon reef I have a 30 gallon tank as my sump. BUt relize that if you have a 20 gallon sump that doesn't mean there is going to be 20 gallons of water in it. Its probly only going to fill half way at the most.
  4. saltwatersensae

    Live Sand in a bag?

    I have used the sand from natures ocean and it is great if you seed it with some really live sand
  5. saltwatersensae

    How Many People.....

    What kind of algaes are you guys using?
  6. saltwatersensae

    My Dilemma!

    What about a Bagaii Cardial Those are very peaceful fish
  7. saltwatersensae

    HELP! Slug-like creatures taking over!

    When I first ste my tank up I had the same type of infestation. I bought a six-line wrasse to eat them and haven't seen one since.
  8. saltwatersensae

    How Many People.....

    ....Are use macro algaes in a refugium type setup. I just recently started constucting one and seeing as it is pretty popular now a days i just wanted to know how many people are using this type of setup.
  9. saltwatersensae

    Decorator Crabs Reef Safe?

    I would say that are not reef safe. I mean think about it. Its a crab that likes to stick stuff all over itself whats going to stop from taking a coral and placing it in him self? If he does take corals and put it on him self then the coral might not get enough ligh or it might get damaged in...
  10. saltwatersensae

    Mexican Turbo Snails

    hmmm, thats a good temp for that snail. YOu salinity seems fine.But is it constantly changing? i.e. when your water evaporates do you just dump in some fresh water all at once?
  11. saltwatersensae

    Mexican Turbo Snails

    What is your salinity at ? Also in my experience those kind of turbos like cooler waters.
  12. saltwatersensae

    bad crab??

    you can try finding to rock that he lives in and then put that rock in in some fresh water.
  13. saltwatersensae

    coralline alage???

    Oh yea I forgot to tell you to get a simple calcium test kit. Your going to need one if your going to be raising your levels
  14. saltwatersensae

    coralline alage???

    Well, Calcium,Calcium,Calcium!!! Coralline like lots of calcium I have my Calcium at between 380-400ppm(parts-per-million) I reccomend that you use kent marine turbo calcium to get it to the hight level and then use kalkwasser to keep it there.(any brand is fine). these aren't too expensive...
  15. saltwatersensae

    blue legs eating star polyps?

    They are probly not eating them they are just picking off algae. BUT if you do see them actually eating them then you should start getting worried. But chances are that they are just cleaning them.
  16. saltwatersensae

    My fish tank is farting!!!!!

    No Problem :) :) :)
  17. saltwatersensae

    Largest fish for 55 Gal.

    I don't think a powder blue would b e a good idea. They are very prone to infections and parasites. They also might stress out in a tank of that size causing them to be even more prone to infections and parasites. I wouldn't go with a purple tang either as they can get very aggressive in a 55...
  18. saltwatersensae

    My fish tank is farting!!!!!

    if you place a small tube in the bulk head coming out of the tank into the air it won't make that sound anymore. think of it as a straw you drink out of letting the air that getts sucked in out. If you have a lillte gaurd thingy so things don't get sucked in just drill a hole at the tip and then...
  19. saltwatersensae

    Looking For a Quieter Skimmer...

    I think IMO the quietest skimmer I have ever had is my urchin pro from AquaC it is soo quiet. I even upgraded from a crappy ass rio 1400 to a nice new Mag Drive 500 and it is now even making more foam with even less noise.(I think the noise was from mostly the Rio)
  20. saltwatersensae

    Sally Lightfoot VS the Peppermint Shrimp

    IN my reef I have a sally and two peppermints they seem to get along fine. But it is my experiance that some sallys are more agrresive then others. get a couple of pepermints and they should do fine [ November 14, 2001: Message edited by: Saltwatersensae ]