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  1. devilbuni

    ATTN: Sea Apple owners

    I heard a sea apple could kill everything in the tank if it dies. I've had mine for about 3-4 weeksand it looks ok but it has been closed for about 24 hrs. Its normally always open so this is starting to worry me. But if anyone could tell me what they look like before they die and what to do...
  2. devilbuni

    A couple questions

    Thanks for all your help. Looks like i will be doing some remodeling tonight!
  3. devilbuni

    Brittle stars

    I have a brittle star that measures to about a foot wide he streches all the way from top to bottem of my 80 gal. We had 2 fish (they were just damsels) end up missing without a trace. But I have been dropping shrimp pellets in for him anf he loves them. and no more fish have gone MIA
  4. devilbuni

    A couple questions

    I have an 80 gal. with a sailfin, naso, and blue tang. Everything seems to be fine. I also have a sea apple and green tip anemone alon with some hermits and snails. Oh and i also have a brittle star that measures to about a foot wide. To get to the point, I have air stones in my tank and...