Brittle stars


New Member
I just got 2 new brittle stars and I was wandering if brine shrimp is a good enough diet for them?


Active Member
the brine shrimp will work, and they will get some of it but once a week, id get some raw shrimp from your grocer, and direct feed them!
good luck


I always throw the heads of the silversides I feed my anemones in the directions of me Brittle and he doesn't waste anytime getting to them


New Member
I have a brittle star that measures to about a foot wide he streches all the way from top to bottem of my 80 gal. We had 2 fish (they were just damsels) end up missing without a trace. But I have been dropping shrimp pellets in for him anf he loves them. and no more fish have gone MIA