Search results

  1. digital storm


    Been doing research in all my free time for my new 125 Gallon tank, but I need some help deciding on what exactly I need to get this tank up and running... Obviously need the tank and stand. For filtration I have been looking at the "Red Sea Berlin Skimmer Classic" rated for 25-250 Gallons...
  2. digital storm

    RO Filters

    I've just been looking at some RO units...But Ive got a question...What's the difference between a unit purchased at a Fish Store and say a Hardware store? Besides the 100-200 bucks...I'm guessing the end quality of water...
  3. digital storm

    Reef Beginner

    Excellent! Thanks for all the help and clarifications...
  4. digital storm

    Reef Beginner

    I've decide to take the plunge from freshwater to reef after seeing the amazing tanks at a local store. I'm currently planning the construction of a stand to hold a 125Gal Tank (72" L x 18" D x 24" H). I plan on filling it once and letting it sit to make sure it doesn't leak before starting...