Reef Beginner

digital storm

New Member
I've decide to take the plunge from freshwater to reef after seeing the amazing tanks at a local store. I'm currently planning the construction of a stand to hold a 125Gal Tank (72" L x 18" D x 24" H). I plan on filling it once and letting it sit to make sure it doesn't leak before starting out...
Now here are my questions...
1. I've read that there should be 1.00-1.75lbs of live rock to every gallon of water, so that comes out to roughly some 200+ lbs of live rock, correct? Any specific way I should arrange it?...
2. Lurking around the boards, I seen the name Southdown sand being used as a substrate, I don't think it's available here in canada, so I'm not sure what to use as a base and how much I should add to the tank. There is a --- ---- Fish store near by that sells both Aragonite reef sand and Carib sea Arag-live, would this do?...
3. How many powerheads should the tank use? how many gph? A site mentioned 4 power heads that alternate by way of a wave maker timer, but I think that's a little too techincal for me right now to be purchasing...
4. Filtration? Normal power filters? or Cannisters? or Protein Skimmers? I'm still doing to research on the filtration of reef setups so any info would be great...
5. Lastly...Lighing...What type of lighting should I buy to light the tank with? (again still doing research...)
Any info or links would be amazingly helpful to me...Thanks for your time...

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
1.) yeah 1-1.75 lbs per gallon is ideal. Just use your imagination and arrange it however you like it the best, make creveses for fish to hide in. I always want to rearrange mine. Also make sure the rocks wont fall over when current hits them.
2)Southdown sand is an aragonite based sand. I dont have the luxury of having it in Dallas either. Its the same aragonite sand the fish stores sell but southdown is less than $5 a bag opposed to 20-25 for the other. most ppl buy aragonite sand and then buy some actual live sand either directly out of an existing tank or there is some thats bagged live sand.(all live sand would be alot of $$$$$) You'll need appx 3-5 inches of aragonite for the base, and then buy 20 or so lbs of live sand. Over time it will all become live.
3)Ive heard that you need at least 10X g/p/h the size of your tank for current. 125x10= at least 1250 g/p/h. This is the sum of all your pumps (powerheads, return pump)
4) with that much rock you're going to need a good protein skimmer. Wouldnt use cannister filter, you can use the berlin method which is 1. adequet live rock 2. deep sand bed 3.Good Protein skimmer. or if you want some other means of filtration id go with a wet/dry w/ bio balls.
5)Lighting- if you are going to do a reef tank you're going to need metal halides supplemented with PC's or VHO actinics. Prob need either 2 or 3 MH's (250 or 400 W). Dont have any experience on halides yet, so i dont know the specifics
Just be patient and keep reading, buy the best you can and good luck.


Hey guys!
On the power heads/wave maker thingy... I just bought a SKWD for my pride and joy X'mas reef tank. I just finished the plumbing today so I'm not sure how it will work when the tank is completely filled; but, it looks cool so far!
It cost apx. $39 and is attached to my return hose. It has an arm/

on either side and you attached whatever you'd like. I have robo arms? Anyway, each side has two flexible duck bills.
Ok... this is the fun part! The water goes from side to side! First it sprays out of the left two duck bills. Next it sprays out of the right two!
Sorry if this is old news! I'm new and I heard the product was also. I'm very excited so far and wanted to share. I'll let you know how it goes after completely filling the tank tomorrow! <smile> I'm really excited about tomorrow! Time for LS and LR!!!