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  1. debster

    Maintaining FOWLR tank

    I thought if I had a dsb I shouldn't stir the sand. My assumption, was that I wouldn't have to clean (vacuum, siphon, etc. ) the sand at all, and the bottom feeders that I get will take care of any waste. Am I wrong here? Thanks for any clarification =)
  2. debster

    Maintaining FOWLR tank

    I was told I didn't need a skimmer. My tank was only going to have 4 powerheads, LR and LS. Should I add a skimmer? Do you suggest I add anything else? Also I would like to make my water changes as easy as possible and if getting an RO will make it easier than I'll go and buy one. Thanks for...
  3. debster

    Maintaining FOWLR tank

    So then the only maintenance for my tank would be the water changes?
  4. debster

    Maintaining FOWLR tank

    I have a 72G bowfront freshwater tank now and I do bi-weekly water changes and vacuum the gravel. When I convert to saltwater (dsb) will I still need to vacuum the bottom or is the only maintance the water changes? Also, with respect to the water changes, I have very hard water. How much...
  5. debster

    flow for 72 gal

    Hi. I've been doing lots of research and since some of you have the same tank I have it may make it easier on me to understand what to do since the bowfronts are shaped differently than an average tank. I'm going for a fish only (peaceful aggressive or semi-aggressive) and am...
  6. debster

    Starting from scratch and need help plz!!!!!!

    Thanks for all the advice. but I still need clarification on some minor issues: StacyT: You said I would want to consider another form of filtration down the line. It kinda sounds like a lot of work to clean the Fluval once a week and since I have extra money now, I rather do it right from the...
  7. debster

    Questions on powerheads and canister filter...please!!!!

    Im converting my 72G bowfront from freshwater to saltwater and am confused on how to convert my equipment. I have a Fluval 404 that I was told I can still use but I've read that the media inside can't be used. Do I take out all the media and just leave the canister empty except for the spongy...
  8. debster

    Starting from scratch and need help plz!!!!!!

    For clarification when I refer to "those things in the Fluval tray" I mean filter media. I currently use 4 carbon bags in one tray and white ceramic things with a hole in the middle (I have no idea what they are or what they are called---sorry). Thanks again =)
  9. debster

    Tank capacity

    Thank you Swilbs. Are you saying though that I can only have approximately 10 fish total? Are any of the fish you mentioned algae and bottom feeders? If not, what type of fish should I get to cover the algae and bottom feeder issue? Thanks again. Debi =)
  10. debster

    Starting from scratch and need help plz!!!!!!

    How do I use the powerheads without the UGF? I think they're attached to the UGF. Also, the reason why I suggested I was going to scrap everything was because it said not to put certain things in the trays that sit inside the Fluval canister like carbon. I don't know what's in the trays and...
  11. debster

    Starting from scratch and need help plz!!!!!!

    We currently have a 72G bowfront freshwater tank run by a Fluval 404, an UGF with dual powerheads, heater, thermometer, gravel, decorations (no plants, plastic or live) that we're now going to convert to a saltwater peaceful fish only tank. I thought the way to go was to try using what I have...
  12. debster

    Tank capacity

    We dont want any fish that are semi-aggressive or aggressive so any suggestions you may have would be appreciated, and please let us know what is the quantity we would be able to keep without overstocking. Our goal is to create a tank with a lot of color variation and would prefer a full...
  13. debster

    Tank capacity

    I'm still in the process of making up my mind if I want to convert my 72G bowfront from a freshwater to a saltwater. Our biggest issue is quantity as our family likes to watch the fish swim and would like to have as many as possible without running into an overstocking problem. How many...
  14. debster

    Converting freshwater to saltwater

    it sounds a lot more complicated than I had hoped, but I've printed them out and will digest the information for a few days and go to my local fishstore to get a book to get more knowledgeable and check out prices, and hopefully by the end of the year I'll be ready to start my new tank. Thanks...
  15. debster

    Converting freshwater to saltwater

    Hi everyone!! I'm new to this board and am in desperate need of help please!!!! I've been reading many articles and posts on how to convert a freshwater to a saltwater tank but im very confused and would greatly appreciate advice on a few issues. My current freshwater setup is: 72 gallon...