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  1. bobio

    pics of your 10 gallons

    Here's my 12gal Eclipse.
  2. bobio

    tank pics

    I think your tank looks very good. I agree on the background. Solid black would really bring everything out. Small fish considerations: After the tang is returned. -Purple Firefish -Yellow Watchman Goby, actually any small goby -Sixline Wrasse. -Royal Gramma. One of either of these will all go...
  3. bobio

    before and after pics

  4. bobio

    before and after pics

  5. bobio

    Picture(s)of your Nano(s)

    here's mine
  6. bobio

    Before and After

    Thanks for the compliments. I do play in getting more live rock. I just really like the big piece of coral. The fish have lots of hidding places. The best thing I did was get rid of the Crushed coral. And I love the 32w 50/50 lights. Beats the 13w daylight. I can actually see the colors of the...
  7. bobio

    Before and After

    After shot. :)
  8. bobio

    Before and After

    Before: Switching from a FO to a FOWLR/Softies. Just getting started with the switchover. Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated. After follows.
  9. bobio

    Leather coral

    Thanks for the response. I think it is quite sharp myself.
  10. bobio

    Leather coral

    Just purchased this leather coral. Is there another name for it. I thought he said " Floral Leather", Does that sound correct? I think it is a great piece.
  11. bobio

    12 Gallon Nano Pic. Take A Look...

    Excellent looking tank.... Where did you find the replacement bulb?? I am looking to do that to mine. It's only been up for 3 months. Here's a pic.
  12. bobio

    New 12 gal Eclipse

    here is the pic.....:D
  13. bobio

    New 12 gal Eclipse

    Up and running for 3 months now. Any comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated
  14. bobio

    What is this?

    Obviously my Turbo snail liked it too. He has chopped down all the pieces and is feasting on the braches...:(
  15. bobio

    What is this?

    Thanks, I appreciate all the input. I hope it does keep growing, It really is sharp looking. I have noticed there are lost of tiny shoots by the base of the algae. Hope they grow too. :)
  16. bobio

    What is this?

    If it is a algae, is it one that I want to keep? What does it need to grow? I sort of like it. It moves with the current and everyone seems to leave it alone. Good Algae or bad???
  17. bobio

    What is this?

    I got this red growth on a piece of live rock and was wondering what it is? Algae? some sort of coral? Any info would be greatly appreciated.
  18. bobio


    Thanks for the info. I was hoping they would continue to get along.
  19. bobio


    Just wondering the difference of opinions I am reading in Firefish. I have readthey should be housed singley,or in a group of three. I have had two together for 4 months now. If they were to do each other in, wouldn't they have done it by now? One is almost twice the size of the other, and they...
  20. bobio

    Ich and Inverts

    I have a FO tank with a strawberry crab, fire shrimp, two false percula, a firefish and royal gramma. I have noticed white spots on one of my clowns. By all I have read I assume it is Ich. How can I treat for the Ich with the inverts in the tank? I do not have a Qt tank as the tank is just a 29...