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  1. sponge brain

    Ideas for reversing weld-on#3

    Lifereef emailed the same answer. so much for that idea ! Thank you
  2. sponge brain

    Ideas for reversing weld-on#3

    Can anyone tell me how to remove a piece from an acrylic sump that has been glued to the wall with weld on #3 and not leave any chemical residues undesirable in the sump ?
  3. sponge brain

    RO/DI problem ???

    Thanks for the reply, I had emailed Kent Marine with the same question and they emailed back exactly the same theory you did. I was adding the salt quickly, so now I am doing so much slower. By the way, which salt did you end up preferring ?
  4. sponge brain

    RO/DI problem ???

    I purchased a Kent Marine Hi-S Maxima RO/DI 35gpd unit about 60 days ago. I set it up to fill through a Kent float switch mounted in a rubbermaid 30 gal new/clean trashcan. I also put a heater, a maxi=jet 900 powerhead and an airline with an airstone from an external airpump. The first 45 days I...
  5. sponge brain

    nitrates 80/100 ! how reduce ?

    my nitrates are up to 80/100 how can I get this down fast ?
  6. sponge brain

    pics of unknown crab

    Let me tell you !! I already had 54 lbs live rock doing great with sponges, coralline polyps etc. I ordered 50 lbs more rock from tampabay, which was great live rock. A few days after the new rock had been in the tank, I noticed this huge crab, the main body about the size of a half dollar come...
  7. sponge brain

    sponges/fish serial killers need capture

    Please help identify/capture fish & sponge serial killer I have already lost two small fish and many sponges to these two big crabs that hitched a ride into my tank by hiding in live rock purchased two weeks ago. The crabs bodies are about the size of a half dollar or very close. They are...
  8. sponge brain

    help identify/capture fish & sponge serial killer

    I have already lost two small fish(just disappeared, to never be seen again) and many sponges to these two big crabs that hitched a ride into my tank by hiding in live rock purchased two weeks ago. The crabs bodies are about the size of a half dollar or very close. They are brown/reddish in...
  9. sponge brain

    good or bad ?

    I had 50 lbs of live rock that recently started growing some green colored hair type algae. Then I introduced another 50lbs. Within a couple of days, the original green hair on the prior rocks have now started turning into a maroon/dark red color. Can someone explain whats going on ? Also, by...
  10. sponge brain

    ph too high !

    In the event it does not come down on it's own, what are the potential remedies ?
  11. sponge brain

    ph too high !

    this is the first time I have seen my ph too high, as in 8.8 last night I was too low and must have placed too much buffer increase in. So now what is the best way to lower it ? nothing in the tank except live rock roght now