Search results

  1. glenn10

    Can you identify this coral????

    Saw this coral last week and have not been able to identify it. Are their any suggestions?
  2. glenn10

    Looking for coral with long branches

    I saw a Pinkish coral at a restaurant. It's base looked like a leather base but the branches were 6-12 inches in length and moved with the current. Fish went in and out of the branches. I looked thru 1800 pages of Corals of the World by JEN Veron but to no avail. I called the company who...
  3. glenn10

    What's a Meat Coral

    Saw a beautiful coral this week, pinkish red with flowing branches and they called it a meat coral. Does anyone know what the scientific name is or where one can be purchased? Could it be candy coral with the flowing branches?? Thank you Glenn
  4. glenn10

    holding Nori down

    A magnet glass cleaner. What a great idea. I have one already so this should really simplify the solution.
  5. glenn10

    holding Nori down

    thank you for all of your suggestions
  6. glenn10

    Your best LFS in Atlanta

    I"m visiting Atlanta and would like to visit your nicest LFS. I am staying off 400 at Peachtree Dunwoody area. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you
  7. glenn10

    holding Nori down

    I've read about clipping Nori seaweed to the side of a tank but have yet to figure out how to do it without any metal parts. When I just float it, it either goes into the overflow or down to the bottom and the crabs get it. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  8. glenn10

    artificial rock,, hazard?

    It was an aquarium rock. When you say parmas, what are you referring to?
  9. glenn10

    artificial rock,, hazard?

    I put an artificial rock in my QT to give the fish a hiding place. After day two, they started to be a little lethargic, so being the first two fish that I own and being that my 46 is cycled, I put them in the 46 and they seem fine. Should I empty and refill the QT without the artifical rock...
  10. glenn10

    quarantine tank?

    How do I go about cycling a 10 gallon QT without using any substrate?. In my regular tank, I used uncured LR and a 5" base. Should I just put in a piece of cured LR and a piece of frozen shrimp. Also, in a tank this small, my only filtration is a small Hang On filter with a piece of sponge in it.
  11. glenn10

    quarantine tank?

    I have a 180 that I am just setting up. The hippo is only 2" and the new tank will be cycling shortly.
  12. glenn10

    quarantine tank?

    Yesterday, I set up a quarantine tank using water that was made two weeks ago. The hang on the back filter has a foam square in it but nothing else. Today I put a coral beauty in it and a small hippo tang. My regular tank has cycled for three months but there are no fish in it yet. Did I...
  13. glenn10

    lights out

    I just purchased a leather toad coral and an open brain coral. I do not have any fish yet, just LR cycled for 3 months. I have been leaving the lights on for 12 hours per day. Should I increase the time. Both of these are on the sand until they acclimate. I am using Icecaps with 2 50/50's...
  14. glenn10

    LFS in Orlando or Jacksonville, Florida

    Thanks for your replys. There is a shop in Ocal near Silver Springs called Tanks a Lot (cute name). I will check out the stores in G'ville and Orlando as I am just getting to the stage of adding fish (finishing 9 week cycle. Want to make cure that I only get the fish I want to keep(no...
  15. glenn10

    LFS in Orlando or Jacksonville, Florida

    I live in Ocala and am looking for a good LFS in the above cities. Any suggestions. Thanx
  16. glenn10

    refugium vs sump conversion

    I have recently posted that after 9 weeks of cycling, my nitrates are still 35, although ammonia and nitrites are 0. I am planning to remove the bio balls from the wet dry(I do have a venturi in the wet dry). My live sand in the tank is approx. 2" deep. Should I just add a DSB where I have...
  17. glenn10

    9 week cycling...nitrates still high

    The wet dry measures 20" x8" X16" and it is too small to put the heater into. The main concern that I had was that if electricity was turned off and the skimmer kept working, that the sump did not overflow and it has not. In my case, I put the sump directly under the tank in the oak stand.
  18. glenn10

    9 week cycling...nitrates still high

    To answer the questions above, the ammonia spiked at 1.0 in mid January. My sand bed is approx. 2" deep. Should I remove the bio balls and all sand where they were? Thank you for your help. Right now, there is lots of orange and purple corraline algae, also brown algae that will grow on the...
  19. glenn10

    9 week cycling...nitrates still high

    Ammonia 0 Nitrites 0 Nitrates 35 same as before the water change Salinity 1.0237 Alkalinity 7.7 Phosphate 0 Ph 8.11 Calcium 480 I am in my ninth week of cycling. Ammonia and Nitrites have been zero for a week but Nitrates have been in the 35 range...
  20. glenn10

    will superglue hurt tank?

    I have a mantis shrimp that I need to catch and I cut a mountain dew bottle in half and inverted the spout using a little super glue(cyanoacrylate) to hold it in place. After it dries, can it hurt the tank(no fish in it yet).