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  1. jayjay_bui


    how old do clowns get in age ????
  2. jayjay_bui


  3. jayjay_bui


    is it true if u have to clowns and they are cmpatable can they change --- :confused:
  4. jayjay_bui

    cleam up crew????

    i just got a tank about 2 month i have a 35 gl and i need to no how much and whta i need for a clean up crew i only have to scarlet crabs and my other fish are 1 clown one blue damsle and one striped a candy striped shrimp a decorator crab and a star fish (i dont no the name ) and some other...
  5. jayjay_bui

    Decorator crab question

    what do u feed it? because i only feed mine fish flakes
  6. jayjay_bui

    Decorator crab question

    hello i have a decortaor crab i need to no what they like to eat and what are the best things for them in a 35 gl salt water tank ?
  7. jayjay_bui

    blue alge

    i am useing salt water that has sat for 3 days and mixed salt
  8. jayjay_bui

    blue alge

    i mix it
  9. jayjay_bui

    blue alge

    i got them 2 weeks a go and tha alge just came
  10. jayjay_bui

    want fish

    does any one have any salt water fish or inverts fore sale if do send me an email at thx
  11. jayjay_bui

    help ich

    i have no other tank wpuld doing a water change work or would it not do any thing?
  12. jayjay_bui

    blue alge

    no i am useing salt water
  13. jayjay_bui

    blue alge

    hello i just got my fixh tank from my friend and he said that it has blue alge is that bad?
  14. jayjay_bui

    help ich

    i dont no but losts of people still say copper is the best way .? and does it realy do any thing to add garlic to there diet??
  15. jayjay_bui

    help ich

    i have one live rock and 10 lb of live sand but no coral
  16. jayjay_bui

    help ich

    i al so have a decorator crab that just got ich can i do the same thing for that? :confused:
  17. jayjay_bui

    blue alge

    hello i just got a salt water tank i got two hermit crabds one blue damsle one clown and a shrimp i have a 35 g tank and there is blue alge one all my shells and live rocks is this goood or bad???:confused: :confused: and can some one tell me the best way to get ride of ich my clown has what...
  18. jayjay_bui

    help ich

    i just got a salt water tank and one of my clown fish have what do i do i have never had ich before?