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  1. matti070

    Goby Food

    the pistol gets food, and, because it is mostly nocturnal, the goby watches out. the goby waggles its fin when danger is near then darts in. te pistol gets food, but, now that the goby is dead, the pistol is doin just fine. i am worried now, the mini cuke i have decided to nasty up the water...
  2. matti070

    Spiny Lobster

    Sounds tasty. :rolleyes: I'm pretty sure you can feed him this as long as the fish is completely clean. For added nutrition, soak it in zoe.
  3. matti070

    should I kick the bucket?

    No, just wash it thoroughly, and make sure to smell it once it's dry. If it smells metallic, then trash it. I'm pretty sure that's what to do.
  4. matti070

    Goby Food

    Bump....this is angering me. :mad:
  5. matti070

    Temperature during Summer

    I would avoid taking off the top, jumpers could kill emselves. Try the fan, and turn up the AC. Close any blinds in the daytime near the tank. Try cooling the water you top off your tank with. If nothing works, use a chiller as a last resort.
  6. matti070

    White tentacles coming from LR???

    Most likely dusters. I had them, along with my brother. They don't come out often. Nothing to worry about, most of the time.
  7. matti070

    Stumped on a coral ID.

    You sure you got enough pics? Ok, but seriously. That looks like a colt, but I'm not sure.
  8. matti070

    New Critter...

    It looks pretty cool, but I don't wanna touch looks evil.
  9. matti070

    Goby Food

    Bump :rolleyes:
  10. matti070

    Goby Food

    The last time I had a goby, and it bonded with my pistol shrimp, it got none of the food. The shrimp always took all the krill and the goby didnt get any flakes because he lived in the cave with the shrimp. If I got another one, would the same thing happen? The tank is a 50g instead of a 20 this...
  11. matti070

    Easiest DIY moonlights ever!

    Well, WalMart does have the lowest prices, EVER, so I agree with SW
  12. matti070

    my new fishy!!!

    Oh, I thought that the pic was in the QT tank. If it was, that's one of the craziest QT tanks ever. Anyway, nice fish.
  13. matti070

    The best powerhead setup for my reef

    Yes, and that also describes the septic tank at my house when it's clogged...but if those spray marks are rocks, then I suggest more rocks before anything else.
  14. matti070

    Tank crash...

    yeah, I figured. I just also found that in one of the rocks was my pompom crab! :cheer: More living things in the tank. And by the way, the cuke isnt one of those huge ropes, Its about, hmm... ___________ as long as that line, actual size. The shrimp will need a goby, correct? I did have one...
  15. matti070

    lobster pictuers and info please

    Yikes...bad times...I had a purple lobster, and it was a crazy time! My pistol shrimp did battle with it, and the lobster lost a claw, so make sure you dont have any hostile things in your tank. It also needs a hiding place with lots of room. Because of the lost claw it died in a few weeks or...
  16. matti070

    The best powerhead setup for my reef

    Oh, now that you say it, I would suggest maybe 2 or 3 moderate sized powerheads evenly spread out to keep a constant flow of water in the tank.
  17. matti070


    long as they both have their elbow room, all is well. It also depends on the size of the anemone. If its big enough to eat a shrimp, then it will.
  18. matti070

    best crab

    scarlets, bluelegs, zebras, dwarf zebras usually do the trick.
  19. matti070

    queen conch

    or just a couple of trocheas...:D
  20. matti070

    The best powerhead setup for my reef

    the type of powerhead depends on what kind of fish youre getting and the size of the tank. If something needs high current and you have a large tank, I would suggest a big powerhead. If you want to be able to control the current, get a wavemaker ( sells them, check the dry goods)