Search results

  1. justdavidp

    LFS in Massachusetts/NH

    Uncle Ned's Fish Factory in Millis (Located on Route 109 at the Millis Medway Line) Is fantastic. All Things Fishy In Marlborough is a good choice too. David
  2. justdavidp

    Do Clowns Need Anemones?

    Subject line says it all... I'm setting up a small tank (29 Gallon). My son would like Percula or False Percula. Do they really need an anemone to be happy? Thanks in advance. David
  3. justdavidp

    Live Brine Shrimp

    See My Post under "Sea Monkeys" Have a great weekend.
  4. justdavidp

    Sea Monkeys!

    I am in the process of researching my first ever salt tank. I'm not sold on whether it will be a F.O. or Small Reef. In any case, I stumbled onto your board in my research. To answer questions about live brine. They are great food for Marine Fish and a must if you plan on pipes or seahorses...