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  1. nighthawk

    Pump: EHEIM v.s. MAG

    I have both mag 350's and Eheims. They both have their advantages. If you need a great micron filter go for the Magnums. If you need a good all purpose filter, the Eheim wins hand down. IMO. ;)
  2. nighthawk

    South Down For Trade

    nybyrne, sent you an e-mail. get back to me when you can.
  3. nighthawk

    South Down For Trade

    Do you have any you would be willing to sell? If so, how much and at what price?
  4. nighthawk

    South Down For Trade

    Where did you find South Down in this area?
  5. nighthawk

    South Down For Trade

    nybyrne, Are you in Charlotte, NC?
  6. nighthawk

    Going Aggresive, Question...

    The way I understand it is the bacteria in your freshwater tank is different than that in the salt water tank and the bacteria in one will die if introduced into the other type of water.
  7. nighthawk

    Anyone in Charlotte

    I live in the Charlotte area and may be interested. How big of tank? My e-mail is . Shoot me a line if you're still looking for someone.
  8. nighthawk

    Grouper Question

    One of the things I like about Panther Groupers is that they have a great personality, almost like a dog. The one's I've kept quickly became tame, would eat out of my fingers and if I put my hand in the tank it would swim up to it and let me pet or hold it, even let me partially remove it from...
  9. nighthawk

    SnowFlake Morey Eel.

    My SFE would eat fish. Damsel's, Clown's it didn't matter. He may have been the exception to the rule though.