Search results

  1. shrimpfishy

    Pistol Shrimp/ Watchmans Goby

    I have the pair going and it only took a day for them to pair up it turely is awsome:D
  2. shrimpfishy

    Must Sell Everything Pa

    I am intersted in all the corals!!!!!!!!! e-mail me at will you ship I will give you $10-$20 depending on the size of the coral.
  3. shrimpfishy

    ATTITION Mattiej !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have only a few pecies of live rock and the tank is not high and there is a lot of bottm space.:)
  4. shrimpfishy

    ATTITION Mattiej !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am really intersted it the small skates your friend is giving away I have been looking for skates for a very long time with no success. The skates will have a very nice home in my 240g tank they will be the only inhabintents please have your friend e-mail me at I am located in...
  5. shrimpfishy

    Cleanose Skates- tank raised

    Please e-mail me I am really intersted is a skate I have been looKing 4 one for over a year please e-mail me at I have a nice home for one or 2 in my 240 gallon tank!!!!!!!!
  6. shrimpfishy

    Cleanose Skates- tank raised

    How much are they? Where is he located and will he ship?
  7. shrimpfishy

    Does anyone have any sharks 4 sale??

    how much is the acutal shark not the shipping
  8. shrimpfishy

    Does anyone have any sharks 4 sale??

    do u know the prices for the epaullette?
  9. shrimpfishy

    Cleanose Skates- tank raised

    I am e-mail me at :)
  10. shrimpfishy

    Does anyone have any sharks 4 sale??

    great!!!!!!!!!!!!:D :D :D
  11. shrimpfishy

    Does anyone have any sharks 4 sale??

    can you post a pic of him?
  12. shrimpfishy

    Does anyone have any sharks 4 sale??

    I am very intersted in the epaullette sharks! How big is he is he eating and how much are you selling him for? are they a pair or of opposite --- because if they are I would really wan't to breed them! thanks:) :D :cool:
  13. shrimpfishy

    Does anyone have any sharks 4 sale??

    Does anyone have any sharks for sale? I really want to buy a bamboo or epaullette. I am located in N.Y, But if you are willing to ship that would be great! Please post a pic. of the shark you want to sell. or e-mail me at
  14. shrimpfishy

    bang guy I need your help!!

    thanks for the info:D
  15. shrimpfishy

    bang guy I need your help!!

    I really want to start to breed banggai cardinal fish. Could you tell me in depth on how to do so from pairing them up to raising the fry? or you could e-mail me the info at thanks for your time:)
  16. shrimpfishy

    what type of clown

    about a year:D
  17. shrimpfishy

    what type of clown

    I have 2 green bubble-tiped anemones and I want to put 2 clowns and hope they pair up 1 anemone is 6in long and the other is 4in. What type of clowns should I add. My favorite is the true Percula would they go in a bubble-tip? thanks :)
  18. shrimpfishy

    Post pics. of sharks and rays!!!

    Can anyone post pics. of your sharks and rays. Thanks:)
  19. shrimpfishy

    sharks and rays

    Could anyone please post a pic. of your sharks or stingrays:cool: thanks:)
  20. shrimpfishy


    I still have some others have died of old age [15 years]:)