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  1. shrimpfishy


    I have had many sharks befor and I always baught them at my LFS and there is not a lot of healthy sharks for sale there. I was wondering where every one buys there sharks I am looking for a bamboo or and epaullette. also if anyone has a shark for sale or a website that sell them e-mail me at...
  2. shrimpfishy

    Wanted Sharks And Rays!!!!!!!

    where are u located?
  3. shrimpfishy

    Wanted Sharks And Rays!!!!!!!

    Do you think he will bite my 6in newborn bamboo if not how much are you selling him for:D
  4. shrimpfishy

    Wanted Sharks And Rays!!!!!!!

    Do you by any chance have a bamboo or smoothound? I also really want an ellapatue (sp)
  5. shrimpfishy

    Wanted Sharks And Rays!!!!!!!

    Do you have anyother sharks that won't get so big? thanks:)
  6. shrimpfishy


    I would really love him and i would pay for shipping he would be in a tank all by himself because of his eye and he would get enofe food please e-mail me at :)
  7. shrimpfishy

    Wanted Sharks And Rays!!!!!!!

    how many hours do you live from Buffalo N.Y. ? How big are they? Why are u selling them and are they eating? Are you sure u cant ship it is very easy? thanks:)
  8. shrimpfishy

    Wanted Sharks And Rays!!!!!!!

    If anyone has a shark or ray 4 sale or trade in New York or is willing to ship please post a pic. of it and tell me the deatails or e-mail me at thanks:)
  9. shrimpfishy

    Banded Shark

    Ya, bullshark e-mail me at I will be very happy to take the shark off your hands!!;)
  10. shrimpfishy

    Banded Shark

    I just got a shark egg it hached 2 weeks ago it is a bamboo shark. He is eatting live ghost shrimp now how do I get him to eat frozen food!?! Thank you! ~ Cleaner Shrimp Kates;) :) :D
  11. shrimpfishy

    Banded Shark

    I will love to take him! Where are you located? and will you ship? :) :D :cool:
  12. shrimpfishy

    pics. of sea horse

  13. shrimpfishy

    lets see some large tang pics

    Beautiful tank Nice fish I love it;)
  14. shrimpfishy

    Correct name for this fish?

    I am 100% sure it is a swallowtail angle;)
  15. shrimpfishy

    tank pics

    way too small for a tang it needs at least a 75gallon tank:mad: :mad: :mad:
  16. shrimpfishy

    finally pics of my tank

    I have a koran too it is cool:cool: :cool:
  17. shrimpfishy

    Queen Conch

    my Queen sifts the sand
  18. shrimpfishy

    Are Cleaner Shrimp worth it

    yes they are great
  19. shrimpfishy

    Cleanup crew 4 seahorse tank

    sallylightfoot might bother your sea horses
  20. shrimpfishy

    Harlequin Shrimp????

    I just wanted to see how often u see your harlequin shrimp. I heard they are shy:confused: