According to most of the books, the Banded Bamboo Shark reaches about 42".
We have a pair of this years hatchlings, a female that we hatched ourselves (along with a humorous story) and a male who we are having difficulty getting to eat and currently force feeding.
When the female broke through the end of the egg case, there was much activity but no emergence for 4 days, after which the Mrs. began to get concerned......we then opened the case with an exacto knife.
Upon emergence, the little female had approximately 1/8" of an umbilicus looking eggs sack laeft, and for the net week, wherever we looked in the 125 gal. tank we'd find her hiding under the egg case, no matter where it was.
I finally began to wonder 1) how is that case getting moved all over the tank, and 2) how is she finding it?
The answer?
Each time she moved, she siezed a corner in her mouth and took it with her!
So far the female eats virtually anything, and after almost 2 1/2 weeks eating nothing, we force fed the male frozen brine and a small insuline syringe (minus the needle, of course).