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  1. equalizer

    Cloudy Water?

    If your trigger keeps turning the sand it will stay cloudy.
  2. equalizer

    OK, OK...You win....100G Reef Tank - CHEAP!

    What a steal. If I was near you I would take this in a hart beat. Hope you sell, Good luck.
  3. equalizer

    FS: 30 gal cube set up.

    Ill take it if you will take $175.00 I live near indy and will meet you half way. Have you dosed the tank with any meds?? How does the LR look? How long is the light? LMK
  4. equalizer

    WTB LiveRock (Indiana)

    I'm setting up a new tank and need around 50 to 60 lbs. If you can help out I would appreciate it. LMK Thanks,Eq
  5. equalizer

    starting wednesday

    There is a way to quite down your overflows. Do a search on stand pipes (not sure if this is actually what it is called) As far as the sand goes I would just see if anybody locally to you would give you a scoop or two to seed your new sandbed. Save your money. Do you have a fuge?
  6. equalizer

    lighting ???

    The 6700K .. K=kelvin Both tubes = one bulb. The pic is one 96watt bulb.
  7. equalizer

    Live Rock!

    IMO you are fine as long as you keep it wet. The less time its out of the water the better.
  8. equalizer

    Live Rock!

    Yes you can. It takes longer than that for most of us to get home from the LFS. I bet you will get some pretty cool stuff on the rock. Do they have any problems with pollution near the beaches ?
  9. equalizer

    Live Rock!

    I think it will be fine. They ship LR overnight all the time. Put wet paper towels over it to keep it wet. Should work out great.
  10. equalizer

    what should i put in my fuge?

    A little LR and maybe some cheato micro algea.
  11. equalizer

    Product Info PHOSGUARD

    If you have a fuge try cheato micro algea. Works wounders for ridding phosphates. LMK if you want some.:)
  12. equalizer

    LOA fuge light? Which one?

    The 65 watt is awesome for your application. I use one over my small fuge, macro grows like a weed and so do my zoo frags.
  13. equalizer

    New SetUp

    You can use the canister for mechanical filtration (carbon).
  14. equalizer

    Salt Water Tank!!!!!!

    This hobby is not cheap even for a nano tank. Keep an eye open on the classified board for full setups.
  15. equalizer

    More questions about the sump....

    You dont need to have a drilled tank. What you will need is an overflow to get the water to the sump. All equipment can go in the sump. Great to see you taking your time:) you will thank yourself later.
  16. equalizer

    Conflicting Advice

    Ok I do think you will need better light. Maybe go with pc's,VHO, or better yet metal halide. You do not have to start all over again to add an anemone. However they are right about it stinging your other corals. Once it has found a happy home it will plant its foot and stay. Make sure you have...
  17. equalizer


    It would be nice to see a pic.
  18. equalizer

    When I finally DO start my tank....

    If your water is pre mixed and ready to go, this is a great time to aqua scape the rock. If its not pre mixed add the rock after you have the temp and selinity stable in the tank. I think this made sense:notsure:
  19. equalizer

    How do I re-cycle a poorly set up 5 week old tank?

    Leave your tank fishless for 8 weeks or longer. Ich needs a host to live on. Ich also dosen't host on inverts. If you take your time, it will look as you imagined in your dreams. Remember in this hobby nothing good happens fast. Good Luck
  20. equalizer

    When I finally DO start my tank....

    You got it right using the trash bag and sand. You wont disturb the DSB hardley at all.