Search results

  1. mombar10

    tiger tail sea cucumber

    Oh I hope thats true he can reproduce. He's doing great and enjoy watching him. He really keeps my sand clean. I would hate to lose him.
  2. mombar10

    tiger tail sea cucumber

    I think my tiger tail cucumber has split in two. Was 3in when purchased 1 1/2 yrs ago and has grown to about 18 to 20in now. I have a 150 gal reef tank with LR corals and a few fish. But right now it looks like there are two pieces of cucumber in my tank as one end is too far from the other...
  3. mombar10

    overflow boxes

    Yes I checked out lifereef and that is the kind I am looking for. Or is there another manufacturer with a similar box. Thanks for your help. I have one now but didnt have a name on it. Bought it from LFS and they charged an arm and a leg for it. I now have a bigger tank and need to buy a larger...
  4. mombar10

    Unknown find maybe a star?

    Bang Guy you were right on. That is exactly what it is. Did some research and found it. Thanks alot for your help:jumping:
  5. mombar10

    overflow boxes

    :help: I am looking for the old fashion overflow boxes with the horseshoe tubes. Not the ones with the syphon tube. Can anyone tell me where i can purchase these.
  6. mombar10

    Unknown find maybe a star?

    Sorry but i need to change the discription. It now looks about 1 1/2 in long. Still a bright red but looks more like a worm with very very fine hairs about 1/2) sticking out the one end. Almost squid shaped. When i first saw it, it was appearently scrunched up. You cant mistake the red...
  7. mombar10

    Unknown find maybe a star?

    I found something in my tank and dont know what it is. It is blood red, has multiple legs that look like fine hairs (maybe 15 to 20) has a small body apprx pin head size. It's kind of shaped like a star fish. Overall it is less then 1/4 in. Can anyone help me out on this. Thanks a bunch. :D
  8. mombar10


    Have a 125 gal reef tank ( 100lb LR 2 clown fish 1 yellow tang and one blue dotty) I'm doing mostly corals. What size power heads are needed for flow. Was thinking to put 1 on each side of tank. 6ft long 18"wide and 22" high. Any recomemdations :confused:
  9. mombar10

    red slime

    Thanks so much. I did what you said and found alot of helpful information. As a new user I had no idea about the search. It's great! Thanks again. :D
  10. mombar10

    red slime

    Transferred 55 gal to 125 gal one month ago. Now have heavy red slime with air bubbles growth. Treated it twice with antired, but keeps coming back. Help!!!! How do I get rid of it. Also alkalinity was down (140) and doing drips to correct that. :mad:
  11. mombar10


    I discovered a starfish in my reef tank. At least i think it is one. It has more then 5 legs, possibly 6 to 8. It looks tan/pink in color and sort of looks like a ruffle. Right now it is only about 1/2 " across. Anyone have an idea what kind it is.
  12. mombar10

    please tell me what this is?

    I've been searching the net at diff. links but haven't found any thing like it. Any one know of a really good link to check out.:( I've spent so much time trying to catch this guy that I've just discovered my second mantis shrimp!:mad:
  13. mombar10

    please tell me what this is?

    :( I'll certainly keep my eyes open. I hope it's not that. Thanks for the heads up.
  14. mombar10

    please tell me what this is?

    :) Thank you for your help. But first its not a baby shrimp as it is at least 8 in or longer. Second I cant get a pic of it. It's like greased lightening. Ever see a rubber band stretch back, well it's that fast. I can't count the number of feelers or whatever is on it's head. But I did get to...
  15. mombar10

    Help Mantis Shrimp

    Have just found a mantis in my tank. Not sure how big it is maybe an inch. Little begger was hiding. Have a 55 gal reef tank only 2 months old. I have a 33 gal sump tank under it. Is it safe to keep the mantis in there. Any sugestions. :eek:
  16. mombar10

    please tell me what this is?

    I've checked on bristles and have found none like the worm type creature i have. This worm travels up and down a "spider web" like tube. It uses this tube like an elevator shaft. Looks like it has some type of feelers or claw type appendages on its head. How do i take a picture of this if it...
  17. mombar10

    please tell me what this is?

    New hobbyist- I have a creature that is dark in color. comes out only at night, looks centipede-wormish like, and travels in a spider like web tube. It keeps it's tail in a rock hole then stretches thru the tube to about 6-8 in. long and is either sifting sand or boring thru my LR. It deposits...