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  1. brtdiver

    adding live sand

    I need help with this, I have cc as a base right now and I would either like to switch to live sand or add it to the cc, what is the best method? Do I need to take out everything in the tank? (crabs, fish, anenomes) or is it going to be to much a pain to do it now? Thanks for any info.
  2. brtdiver


    i would like to know if in general they are good filtration systems, if anyone has had success with them.
  3. brtdiver


    need info on tidepool
  4. brtdiver

    adequate lighting

    boy we are bad at this, not giving you enough info, the 50/50 is a 40 w 6000k, and we just added (because we are nervous) a 15 watt in a old hood from a smaller tank over the anenome's. I do not want these anenome's to die, please help!
  5. brtdiver

    adequate lighting

    sorry, forgot to put how long tank has been set up. It was a fresh water with african cichlids for 3 years and has been salt water for about 2 months. we have a 400 and 280 emperor for filtration and crushed coral and about 60 lbs of live rock ( which we are still adding too) the tank cycled in...
  6. brtdiver

    adequate lighting

    Hello everyone, We having been reading these posts for about 2 months now and we have learned so much from all of you, we have a 55 gal with a 50/50 light , we plan on getting a new hood that holds 4 bulbs and doing 2 50/50's and 2 actinics. Our lfs just moved their store to a location down...