Search results

  1. kirkster7

    A good skimemr too get?

    try the aqua c remora pro, that should be big enough to go past the eventual 75 gallon +, expensive but keeps your aquarium clean clean.........
  2. kirkster7

    Need help lighting......

    Hello about 10 months ago I added a CSL BriteLite power compact lighting system to my aquarium, I have right now 2 twin strips of 96 watts each 10,000 k, I wondered is this way too much light for the standard 55 gallon size 13 wide 18 inches deep, it's brighter than all the tanks I have seen...
  3. kirkster7

    Need overflow box wet/dry

    Who's got a extra overflow box for a wet/dry filter, I need one with teeth around the intake overflow (inside aquarium), if you have one for reasonable $$$$ let me know Thanks Mark
  4. kirkster7

    Who's got a Powder Blue Tang, need help

    my other fish are on marine cuisine and emerald entree frozen soaked in vitamin C, when I fed tonight (mixture of the 2 above, he did not eat, I will try to find some Garlic... I hear that finicky fish eat the garlic soaked food, I also put some seaweed selects red algae in a clamp near the...
  5. kirkster7

    Who's got a Powder Blue Tang, need help

    75 gallon, he's 3-4 inches, the tank has about 110 lbs of live rock, half fiji and half from a diver collected in the caribbean, alot of coraline coverage, the tank is about 4 or 5 years old, I went with a sump filtration about 2 months ago (Amiracle wet/dry maxi reef 100) have a sterilizer...
  6. kirkster7

    Who's got a Powder Blue Tang, need help

    Just got one today, and I was wondering if anybody out there has had some real luck with what they like to eat? I know algae, but what kind, brand, and any specifics that would really help me, I want to get him comfortable and start eating good immediately, I have always soaked my food in...
  7. kirkster7

    Help: Professionals I need answers algae

    thomas, you sound like you are onto it, toothbrush bristles feel, it's so hard to get rid of, it's about 1/8 of an inch long (short bristly like) Barracuda, I'm out of my tests, I checked all the time everything was fine, ph stays 8.2, water clarity is great, I hav'nt added anything...
  8. kirkster7

    Help: Professionals I need answers algae

    OK, I've been in the saltwater tanks for about 4 or 5 years, I understand quite abit but not all, I have about 90 lbs of live rock that was completely covered in corraline algae, (beautiful) about 3 months ago green algae started growing on it and completely covered alot of the rocks, it's...