Help: Professionals I need answers algae


New Member
OK, I've been in the saltwater tanks for about 4 or 5 years, I understand quite abit but not all, I have about 90 lbs of live rock that was completely covered in corraline algae, (beautiful) about 3 months ago green algae started growing on it and completely covered alot of the rocks, it's almost "grasslike" short stubby, it's not hair algae, but it's hard to get off, I have done a ton of water changes, great powerheads are in there for circulation, I have a maxi-reef sump, protein skimmer that works great, I don't understand the algae problem, it's taking over, they have fine little bubbles on them from time to time, I brush them off, do I need carbon in my sump, I'm thinking this might be the problem, because I switched from a canister filter that had carbon to the sump, just wondering Please help Mark


Active Member
Hi Mark and welcome to the board.
I wouldn't say i'm professional, but we need to know following readings:
What is your water source: RO, RO/DI, Tap. Your source water readings:
Lighting: How old are your bulbs and what type of lights fo you use?
Any new additive you started adding lately???


kerkster7 - Is this "algea" that your experiencing, very hard as like the form of toothbrush bristles? and a very nice green like you wish your lawn was?
Do you have a digital camera or know someone that does that you could take a pic of this. Maybe a regular camera and a scanner?
I had something like what you describe only it was centeralized on one rock in the middle of the tank. This was tuff stuff and it took a sharpend screw driver to scrap off .
You could have some form of bryopsis
Or what I had, which is still unidentified, but was suggested that it was some form of bubble algea, only alot harder to get rid of.
Just my thoughts


New Member
thomas, you sound like you are onto it, toothbrush bristles feel, it's so hard to get rid of, it's about 1/8 of an inch long (short bristly like) Barracuda, I'm out of my tests, I checked all the time everything was fine, ph stays 8.2, water clarity is great, I hav'nt added anything since I went to the sump, I'll get my readings tommorrow and give this thread a update, Thanks for the advice, you guys have any advice on what it' is a remedy to get it out, I'll say this too, on the back of my tank there was big blotches of corraline algaes growing on the glass, that algae is on it too, in the middle, about a dime size. it's like this stuff feeds off of the corraline............