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  1. duke

    Question for protein skimmer

    will purchasing a larger pump for a protein skimmer be beneficial or is the skimmer made to handle a certain GPH p.s. my skimmer is 23" tall and currently has a pump that has 700gph this is the current skimmer I have
  2. duke

    Live Rock

    I plan on getting ordering live rock online but I heard that you have to leave the live rock in a bucket or pale for 2-3 weeks considering I'm not going to be able to do that, I may have to get rid of my fish and put the live rock in and let the process beging that way. Anyone have any ideas or...
  3. duke


    I have two blue lights 20 watts and two 50/50 lights Tank has been established for a year No the rock didn't smell but looked rather fresh water is fine
  4. duke


    Recently bought LR and it has green and purple coraline on it however it is starting to peel off in certain spots Ques how do I know if LR is actually alive and when will I see results from growth The aquarium that I bought it from said it was just added to the LR tank and would be ready in a...
  5. duke


    Recently bought LR and it has green and purple coraline on it however it is starting to peel off in certain spots Ques how do I know if LR is actually alive and when will I see results from growth The aquarium that I bought it from said it was just added to the LR tank and would be ready in a...
  6. duke

    Live rock part II

    For those that answered yes it does look like some sort of coraline, now my next question is the placement I placed a about 8 inches from a power head is that to much current power head 401.:) where should it be placed????
  7. duke

    Live Rock

    I bought Live Rock today and it has significant smooth green and purple pieces on them can anyone describe what they are and what other things should I expect from placing liverock within the tank.:)
  8. duke

    Seaclone Protein Skimmer

    The bubles don't go over into the collection cup. I called the manufacturer and they stated to play with the intake air hose. I've been doing this for the past four days I'm not sure what to do b/c there are plenty of bubbles comming out of it just not going into the collection cup. Anyone have...
  9. duke

    Seaclone Protein Skimmer

    The bubles don't go over into the collection cup. I called the manufacturer and they stated to play with the intake air hose. I've been doing this for the past four days I'm not sure what to do b/c there are plenty of bubbles comming out of it just not going into the collection cup. Anyone have...
  10. duke

    Juv French Angel

    Help!!! Have a Juv French Angel was eating before Haven't seen him eat in 4 days, Hung lettuce, feed froz brine shrimp, krill and froz angel food can anyone recomend anything. not sure what to do:confused: :confused:
  11. duke

    Protein Skimmer

    It's a little loud sounds like a a bunch of bubbles vibrating. So basicly your foam does overflow.
  12. duke

    Protein Skimmer

    I've had the Tank set up for about 9 months, I just added majority of the fish, the eel, purple tang and zebra goby were there before. I plan on intoducing the coral in about two months. In the protein skimmer are the bubbles supposed to overflow, mine don't?
  13. duke

    Protein Skimmer

    I just added a protein skimmer seaclone 100 to be exact there is no foam that spill over is this correct, Bubbles just go up and stop at a certain point. Also I have Zebra Goby, 2 fire gobies, snowflake moray, pearlscale butterfly, purple tang, purple psuedo, 2 damsels am I able to start to put...