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  1. thetutts6

    pics of unknown crab

    Well I kinda figured he was mean since the original owner got rid of him because he eat all her fish......That's why I put him in a 2 gal salt tank by himself....and not in with my tang and clown fish! I have decided to keep him since he does have his own home, but it would still be nice to know...
  2. thetutts6

    pics of unknown crab

    Well since I only have a webcam which ain't all that great, This was about as good as i could get...And considering he only comes out when I feed him and he won't stay still. I guess it's like taking a picture of a kid. He is an ugly little thing...but I thought it was sooo different! And since...
  3. thetutts6

    pics of unknown crab

    Ok here I have this crab that was given to me and being told that it was poisonous I would like to find out for sure! I have looked and looked but the closest thing I can find that looks like it is a hairy crab. But all the pics I see of a hairy crab actually look more like thorns where as mine...
  4. thetutts6

    What kind of crab do I have?

    I went to my LPS yesterday and he had an interesting looking crab...well come to find out he was scared to death of it and just GAVE it to me! He said a woman came in with it and told him it was eating ALL her fish and gave it to him. One of his employee's told him it was a "crustatean crab"...