pics of unknown crab


New Member
Ok here I have this crab that was given to me and being told that it was poisonous I would like to find out for sure! I have looked and looked but the closest thing I can find that looks like it is a hairy crab. But all the pics I see of a hairy crab actually look more like thorns where as mine has fine hairs.Plus he's not really built like a hairy crab. If anyone knows what this strange looking thing is would you please let me know.......and if in fact if it poisonous. The original owner got rid of it because it was eating all of her fish! And the pic is not real was taken with a And crabs don't seem to like having their picture taken!!!


New Member
Well since I only have a webcam which ain't all that great, This was about as good as i could get...And considering he only comes out when I feed him and he won't stay still. I guess it's like taking a picture of a kid. He is an ugly little thing...but I thought it was sooo different! And since I didn't have to pay for him it makes him even better! I just hope someone can tell me what he is!!

sponge brain

New Member
Let me tell you !! I already had 54 lbs live rock doing great with sponges, coralline polyps etc. I ordered 50 lbs more rock from tampabay, which was great live rock. A few days after the new rock had been in the tank, I noticed this huge crab, the main body about the size of a half dollar come out. All hairy and mean looking just like your photo. Then I saw another the same size and later I noticed 2 more but smaller. Since their arrival, they have totally decimated the coralline I loved so much, eaten half the sponges, killed and ate my cleaner wrasse and my scooter blennie. I have personally witnessed this crab attack, maim and then kill 2 emerald crabs. I have spent countless hours, even in the dark with a flashlight trying to catch or kill these 4 crabs. To date I have been able to capture only one and kill one of the small ones. There are still one big ine and one small one. They are extremely fast moving. If anybody has ideas on how to capture these mean beasts, I would appreciate the input.


Active Member
i had one of them a while back- exact same- it didnt seem to bother much- itwas always hiding but i killed (impaled) it one night when it started snacking on my zooanthids- soon after my brittle star came out for dinner:D


New Member
Well I kinda figured he was mean since the original owner got rid of him because he eat all her fish......That's why I put him in a 2 gal salt tank by himself....and not in with my tang and clown fish! I have decided to keep him since he does have his own home, but it would still be nice to know what he! And he eats whatever I throw in the he's actually easy to care for. And he is kinda neat to sit and watch!
I have rocks from Tampa as well. I tried all sorts of tricks to get the nasty crabs out. The only way I found effective was to find out what rock they hide in and take the rock out. I used a pair of hemostats to get them out of the crevice. Big time pain, but well worth it.