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  1. terryd

    ETSS protein skimmer

    Thanks for the info. The skimmer I have now is over 15 years old and came from a 75 gallon tank. I'm using it on a 125 gal. and it obviously isn't keeping up. It's nice to have this forum to access. Good advice, no prejudice!
  2. terryd

    ETSS protein skimmer

    Anyone using a Reef Devil skimmer from ETSS? How do you like it? Thanks.
  3. terryd

    white fuzzy deposits on LR

    Can anybody tell me what this is? I'm thinking its calcium carbonate deposits. Recently my kalkwasser dosing system malfunctioned and overdosed my aquarium. Shortly thereafter these deposits appeared and are still spreading! They are not living and I can blow them off with a blast of water. How...
  4. terryd

    White coating on LR

    Does it look similar to this?
  5. terryd

    White coating on LR

    I have the same thing happening to my 125 established tank. I think I overdosed it with kalkwasser one day and I believe the white stuff is calcium carbonate that has fallen out of solution. I don't know yet just what to do about it though. Anyone have any suggestions?