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  1. derwood

    Best food for Pink Tip Hatian Anemone

    I am considering adding a pink tip hatian anemone to my system. What is the best food for it? Any tips on how to best feed it other than getting it close to the tentacles and not forcing it?
  2. derwood

    Tang Trouble ?

    Thanks for the help.
  3. derwood

    Tang Trouble ?

    Forgot to mention.... he's also swimming up next to the glass and rubbing / slapping his tail against it repeatedly (not constantly, but very frequently). No signs of any real stress, or parasites, or damage.
  4. derwood

    Tang Trouble ?

    He's been in the 35 hex for about one week. There are three perks, a royal gramma, and a flame angel in there with him. All of them have been there >2-3 months. Prior to that I had him (alone) in a 10G QT for about 6 weeks (he came with ick & had to do hypo). He never showed any of these...
  5. derwood

    Tang Trouble ?

    Have a YELLOW TANG that is acting strangely. He's hanging out at the bottom of the tank, swimming in fairly tight circles, and then every once in a while darting off around the rest of the tank only to return quickly to circle again. I have had it for 6 weeks now and this is the first such...
  6. derwood

    Which Protein Skimmer for a small 35 G Hex ??

    Have a small tank, but starting to see the need for a skimmer, any recommendations for a lower price H.O.T. skimmer for a 35 Hex? Have seen a Sea Clone 100 (with Maxi-Jet pump) for ~$100. Thats about what I want to spend (if feasible). Eventually I will get a bigger tank, but it could be a few...
  7. derwood

    Shrinking Lettuce Nudibranch

    Looking for some help on this strange one... Added a lettuce nudibranch to my 35 Hex about 7 weeks ago. At the time I added it, it was ~2 inches long. It has steadily decreased in size and is now only about 3/4 of an inch long. There is a variety of algae in the tank, and plenty of it and I...
  8. derwood

    Strange NH3 Test (white precipitate)

    My setup has been running with no issues now for almost 5 months, as well as my QT but I have yet to get a decent NH3 reading as every test that I take ends up with a milky white precipitate when I add the final reactive agent for the test. I have had my water tested several times at a LFS and...
  9. derwood

    What to feed a Redlip Blenny while in QT ??

    Thanks Kev, I'll give that a try.
  10. derwood

    Mexican Snail Inactivity...

    Recently added a Mexican Snail to my main tank. It was active in the transfer bag and initially after I put it in the tank (following acclaimation) but ever since the first hour or two it has not moved. After two days I was getting concerned that it had died and that it would be polluting my...
  11. derwood

    Feather Duster Question

    Is it necessary to hand feed a feather duster or can it get enough nutrients simply from the normal circulation of tank water via the power heads?
  12. derwood

    What to feed a Redlip Blenny while in QT ??

    Have a Redlip Blenny that I just added to my QT and have yet to see him eat anything after ~4 days. Getting a bit concerned. Considering the recommended diet includes tank algae, I may have a problem as the QT itself has only recently finished its cycle and there is no algae to graze on. Any...
  13. derwood

    QT for Inverts ??

    Thanks for the help. BTW, Beth confirmed NO QT for Inverts... in another posting of mine (in case you see this post and not the other).
  14. derwood

    QT for Inverts ??

    Pretty sure I know the answer.... but should inverts be QT'd for 3-4 weeks just like fish? My issue is that I have a pretty small QT (10 Gal) and that limits what I can put in there but I would like to get 10-15 crabs & a nudibranch at the same time and ideally would like to put them in my main...
  15. derwood

    QT for Inverts ??

    Pretty sure I know the answer.... but should inverts be QT'd for 3-4 weeks just like fish? My issue is that I have a pretty small QT (10 Gal) and that limits what I can put in there but I would like to get 10-15 crabs & a nudibranch at the same time and ideally would like to put them in my main...
  16. derwood

    How to Purge Brown Alegea (its taking over)

    For those keeping score at home.... here's an update: I moved my Clown to my QT and did a 90% water change in my main tank using just GLACIER RO water from the grocier store. After 2 weeks the algea growth has completely stopped so looks like good advice from my perspective. Should have done...
  17. derwood

    How to Purge Brown Alegea (its taking over)

    I assume that I then have to cycle the tank all over again since I am replacing the bacteria medium, right?
  18. derwood

    How to Purge Brown Alegea (its taking over)

    Thanks for the advice. I am establishing a QT now and will move the Perk to it, do a 100% water change with RO/DI water, get it stable and then move the Perk with added clean up crew it to try again. Understand about the dsb. Have been reading that too. Not planning a reef tank at this point...
  19. derwood

    How to Purge Brown Alegea (its taking over)

    Need some suggestions please as this is my first go at a marine set up. I have a newer setup (~2.5 months) with a 35 gallon, 35 # of LR, CC substrate, undergravel & external biofilter. Unfortunately, I did not use RO/DI water in the setup and now the tank is being overrun with diatoms. I...
  20. derwood

    How Long to keep Dead Shrimp in for Cycle?

    Infalalble -- I purchased my LR from a local LFS, not from the site.