How to Purge Brown Alegea (its taking over)


Need some suggestions please as this is my first go at a marine set up. I have a newer setup (~2.5 months) with a 35 gallon, 35 # of LR, CC substrate, undergravel & external biofilter.
Unfortunately, I did not use RO/DI water in the setup and now the tank is being overrun with diatoms. I understand that this is part of the new tank cycle, but the tank has cycled and the algea is terrible. What is the best way to rectify the situation?
I assume that I should begin making water changes with RO/DI water, but am afraid of shocking the remaining Perk Clown that I have. I am also having trouble getting the PH to stay above 8.0 and so am very hesitant to add any clean up crew to help out with the algea.
ALK tests normal. No trace of NH3 or NO2
Any suggestions for a safe clean up? Did some reading on brown algea and it looks pretty agressive & damaging to the system, I am afraid that I'll have to start all over.


Active Member
As far as I know Diatoms go away on their own when they are good n ready.
Can you syphon/scrape it away ?


Thanks for the advice.
I am establishing a QT now and will move the Perk to it, do a 100% water change with RO/DI water, get it stable and then move the Perk with added clean up crew it to try again.
Understand about the dsb. Have been reading that too. Not planning a reef tank at this point -- too hard for a rookie (IMO), so I'll probably stick with the CC bed for now.
Thanks again.


Staff member
Take it from a former ugf will work more and have much less with this type of system. The advise here is good. A sand bed is your best filter, and it will even be much easier for you in terms of maintenance. With your size tank, it would not be hard at all to fill it with sand instead of cc. Your fish and inverts will thank you for it! And so will your wallet [in the long run].


I assume that I then have to cycle the tank all over again since I am replacing the bacteria medium, right?


For those keeping score at home.... here's an update:
I moved my Clown to my QT and did a 90% water change in my main tank using just GLACIER RO water from the grocier store. After 2 weeks the algea growth has completely stopped so looks like good advice from my perspective. Should have done that in the first place. Thanks for the help.
:) :D :)