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  1. phoenix316

    Bubble Algae

    Any other suggestions other than an emerald crab, i will pick one up, but the last two we got died, well not so much died as disappeared without a trace. So is there anything else other than emerald crab idea.
  2. phoenix316

    Bubble Algae

    How do you get rid of bubble algae? I have tried to remove it with a razor, but it just keeps comming back. I don't know what to do, i put the rock in a seperate tank and then remove the algae with an exacto knife, but it just doesn't seem to work. Please someone help me, it just keeps comming back.
  3. phoenix316

    Moving Anenome

    I need to move an anenome to get some bubble algae off of a rock, but this is where the problem comes. I need to know how to move it, i heard they sting. I also want to put it back in the same place as before, as it is beautiful where it is. Can i get it to go back where it is know? Thanks in...
  4. phoenix316

    Need help identifying two things

    haha, yeah, that is what is what i thought. If anyone else knows what those little things are i would really like some help, i don't want to let it stay in there if it is bad.
  5. phoenix316

    Need help identifying two things

    Thank you for the hlep on the mini feather duster. But i still need to identify what is in the top two pictures, i would really appreciate the help.
  6. phoenix316

    Need help identifying two things

    swirl thingy
  7. phoenix316

    Need help identifying two things

    I suck and posted teh same pic twice
  8. phoenix316

    Need help identifying two things

    Need help identifying two things Any Help Would be appreciated.
  9. phoenix316

    Marble Lookig Thing on Rock (Pic) - Please help identify

    faux fur would be pretty cool, but yeah, it is just the wallpaper. Thanks for the info, i relaly appreciate it.
  10. phoenix316

    Marble Lookig Thing on Rock (Pic) - Please help identify

    It definently isn't a snail, i zoomed in a little more, if you need me to zoom more i will, it hasn't moved in a month.
  11. phoenix316

    Marble Lookig Thing on Rock (Pic) - Please help identify

    i have a problem with something in my tank. I have a attached a pic of the offeneding entity, i need help with what it is and what i should do to it. I let it go thinking it would go away, but now i am afraid it will hurt my tank. All my lvls are fine and i have a 30 gallon tank with 3 fish and...
  12. phoenix316

    Jumping (I think) Yellow Watchman Goby

    I just got, last wednesday, a yellow watchman goby (see sig for rest of inhabitants) and my maroon clown didn't really like it and messed with it a little bit. It seemed to not mess with it that much anymore, and last night the goby was fine sitting on the bottom of the tank, i got up this...
  13. phoenix316

    Rose Bubble Tip Anemone Prices

    I don't think that is what he asked.:notsure:
  14. phoenix316

    Identifying Anenome

    Can anyone identify this anenome, my lfs says it is a some kind of sebae, but it looks like a type of carpet to me.
  15. phoenix316

    My purple Lobster

    Here is another pic of him.
  16. phoenix316

    My purple Lobster

    yeah, i took him back that day, i didn't want anymore fish to get eaten. i woke up and turned on the lights and he was in his hole with half a fire goby hanging out. i got that pic while i was trying to get him out. i had to take the tank apart to get him and my girlfriend said we should get a...
  17. phoenix316

    My purple Lobster

    I had a lobster eat a perfectly healthy fire goby. The fire goby always slept by this rock and the lobster moved in there and ate fire goby. Here is a pic.
  18. phoenix316

    Stock For 30g Reef

    My lfs has some hermits on order and i have a couple of big snails in there cleaning it now.
  19. phoenix316

    Stock For 30g Reef

    To See Japanese Writing "‚µ‚ç‚ñ" (Translated: Type of Purple Orchid) Name of the Fridmani: - Get Japanese Language Pack from microsoft. Once the Pack is Installed: - Right Click on Page - Go To Encoding - Click on Japanese (Auto-Select)