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  1. dmoe

    Starting my lion on "dead" food

    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! I am about to start my Red Volitan Lion on "dead food" as I've heard freshwater goldfish & the like don't meet his nutrional requirements.I'm going to skip a day or 2 feeding & then introduce the food via a long thin plexiglass rod obtained from a hobby store.My...
  2. dmoe

    Feeding my Lion

    Looks like I'm headed for the grocery store.I thought better to be safe than sorry.I guess I'm just kind of protective of my Lion.He's the most perfect fish I've ever had.As far as classic features of the Red Volitan Lion, he's near the best I've ever run across.Soon as I figure out how,I'll...
  3. dmoe

    Feeding my Lion

    Hey Everyone! I would like to know if it would be OK to train my Red Volitan Lion to eat raw canned oysters, clams or uncooked shrimp from the seafood dept at the grocery store.I mean,is there stuff in people food that he shouldn't have?Please don't bust on me if this is a silly question.The guy...
  4. dmoe

    Liver infection in Lionfish

    Thanks guys!Learn something new every day.Your explanations make sense & I think I'll get him used to taking non-live marine food ASAP.Don't think I'll have too much trouble as he is very aggresive & I've only had him about 6wks.Skewer idea sounds great. Thanks again, Dan Moriarty Crittenden,Ky
  5. dmoe

    Liver infection in Lionfish

    Hello everyone, I have a successful 55gl fish only/w 2 jewel damsels,1 velvet neon damsel & 1 beautiful Red Volitan Lion.Everythings cool & runnin great.My question is:When I went to my local fish store to purchase some feeders,the owner of the shop told me that goldfish can cause liver disease...
  6. dmoe

    pink & red alge

    Bad lighting+ missing water change = cyano Not too bad yet,gonna nip it in the bud. Thanks, dmoe
  7. dmoe

    pink & red alge

    I have a newly established 55gl tank with a yellow Tang & 2 damsels.It had a healthy green algae growth,which the tang happily browses on daily.Well, he's just about picked it clean & now I'm getting a good amount of pink & red algae on the back wall & some on the front, right above the...
  8. dmoe

    what i want vs. what's possible

    Wrassecal, Thank you for your polite, non-condescending advice.Of late, I have been much observing my Yellow Tang,& find him not to be the boring "starter fish" I once thought.Although I am very fond of Naso's,I'll take good advice & back off on this one.I'm not new to this,it's just been a very...
  9. dmoe

    what i want vs. what's possible

    Do you think that in the reefs,these fish don't have a rivarly? These aren't my kids, they are just fish.If you feel that deeply about it ,I'm sorry for offending you.The rest of all you guys, thank you for your advice!I think I'll be OK.I will ask more questions in the future.I hope to...
  10. dmoe

    what i want vs. what's possible

    Went to my local fish store & had my water tested & came up 0 ammonia 0 nitrites trace nitrates Last time I buy $12 test kit. Have decided to keep Yellow Tang & Damsels & add a Naso & see who wins the Tang struggle. Won't add anything else until at least 5 months. No clowns,feel bad not giving...
  11. dmoe

    what i want vs. what's possible

    What I want: Community fish only tank with: 1 pair Percula clowns 1 Majestic angel 1 Powder Blue or Naso Tang 1 Harlequin Tusk 1 Lionfish {species negotiable} Set-up info: 55gl 2 301 powerheads 1 Aquaclear 300 powerfilter Standard Flourescent lighting Artifical plants & some bleached & artifical...
  12. dmoe

    pics of your harlequin tusks?

    You should enter the photo contest!! I'm bias, but that first pic is a keeper.Going up on my wall. You da man! dmoe
  13. dmoe

    Agralive Substrate

    Thanks everyone!! I really appreciate anyone taking time to help.I had never even heard of fishless cycling.And Rebecca,after all that,I should be able to go on vacation,& just let my dog watch the tank.LOL. Seiriously though, Much Thanks!!!! dmoe P.S. Printed it all!!!
  14. dmoe

    Agralive Substrate

    It's an Aquaclear 300 Dual filtration system.It's impeller powerd and the cannister mounts on the back of the tank.It provides both mechanical & media filtration.I'll be using media especially for marine systems.If you have any other advice it would be much apprciated.You seem very astute,and...
  15. dmoe

    Agralive Substrate

    Your advise makes good sense.But since I've already started with damsels I'm gonna stay that route & add more as they die off.By the way I'm running a dual301 pwerhead undergravel filter & have a 501 backfilter.haven't installed backfilter yet.Should I wait till tank cycles fully or install now...
  16. dmoe

    ph help

    I agree with several other posts.If your tank is cycling,let it finish,stabilize & then worry about ph & other levels.Add nothing more until this occurs. Hope it works out. dmoe
  17. dmoe

    Is it ok to add these to my tank??

    Katara, What I meant was, I've always been a firm believer in adding species gradually.You may save a few $$ on the package deal,but if your levels spike you may have to spend more correcting the problem.I have no doubt that your set-up could handle the population,but in my opinion slow increase...
  18. dmoe

    Agralive Substrate

    Mostly lack of instuctions.In the past with natural seeding & Damsels,It took 2 to 2&1/2 wks for the tank to cycle & "pop".I even got to the point where I could tell just by look & smell when it occured.My main concern is:With this new prouduct,is this timeline the same,shorter or longer.And...
  19. dmoe

    Agralive Substrate

    First of all, I'm not new to this stuff,itjust hasn't been possible for me to have saltwater set-up for about 15yrs.I did things the old way by seeding my tank with media from a trusted source.I purchased some Agralive substrate from my local store,and after reading the guidelines from the...
  20. dmoe

    Is it ok to add these to my tank??

    I think this a classic case of $$ versus aquarium capacity.Yes it would be possible for you to add all these inhabitants,but I hope your willing to spend the extra time & money because of the stress this would put on a55gl.Remember this is a closed enviroment & it would much better to make these...