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  1. rampuppy

    Indo-Pacific Reef - Lighting Question

    I asked this over in the DIY section, but only got one reply, I am looking for a little broader response. Short version, I am building a approx 90 gallon hexagon tank w/ equal 15" sides and it will be 30 inches tall and made of 1/2 inch glass. I would PREFER to use Power Compacts, and just jam...
  2. rampuppy

    Building a Tank

    But I hear they nock you on your rear when it comes to utility bills, not just their own draw, but that on your air conditioner as well.. well.. if I have to... I guess I have to... anyone know what size and how many I should get? corals are an interest to me so I might as well bite the big one...
  3. rampuppy

    Building a Tank

    I have decided to build a tank, since I can't find one within my price range and I have a lot of power tools to do the job right. Here are my specs so far. Design: Hexagonal, 15 wide by 30 " tall panels. I will have the edges mitered by the glass company. I am going with 1/2 inch glass, as I...
  4. rampuppy

    Ponderind a Lion Starter setup

    thanks beach bum! I will order it off amazon tonight. And now, I may just have to look into getting a bigger tank...
  5. rampuppy

    Ponderind a Lion Starter setup

    Ok... before i start, let me say this setup is temporary, that I fully Plan on upgrading to a 75 or greater within 2 years. What I have available right now is a 30 gallon hex with a nice stand. I plan on adding the following to it: Hood w/ Quad Tube Power Compact Flourescents. Protein Skimmer...