Building a Tank


New Member
I have decided to build a tank, since I can't find one within my price range and I have a lot of power tools to do the job right.
Here are my specs so far.
Design: Hexagonal, 15 wide by 30 " tall panels. I will have the edges mitered by the glass company. I am going with 1/2 inch glass, as I have heard 1/4 would fail at this height.
I am going to build a low base, so I can see the bottom easily as I sit in my chair and look down easily at it, and also so it's not to tall, I am 6'5 with a 34 " reach so getting into it is not going to be a problem (believe me, after some of my fresh water planted tanks this is a consideration!)
I am doing the hex because of space, so I am entering a new territory in lighting...
I read somewhere on here that power compacts are good for about 24" of worthwhile light penetration, the tank is 30" tall, when you take into account a 5 inch sand bed at the bottom, is power compact going to be enough? I want to avoid metal halide if I can... my energy bill allready runs well over a hundred every month (Texas heat) so I don't need any more assistance going broke...
I am planning on keeping a reef system and a P. radiata and P. Antennata in this tank (was going to do a 30, but thought better of it.) Back will be a live rock wall, epoxied for support, with arms reaching out and around the bottom of the tank, tapering off as they move forward. 5 inch live sand bed.
Filtration will be a Remora Pro skimmer, and a Eheim Pro 2 heated Wet Dry. I will probably hook a magnum up every few weeks to polish the water as some people here have reccomended.
I am going to try and keep this reef system as 'indo-pacific' as I can, all the live rock will probably be fiji and tonga. I am going to go for the easy corals first, and maybe add one or two harder ones later, some non fish dependent anemone (as their little friends would eventually become a tasty snack I am sure.)
Does all this seem good at this point? Lighting question especially, since I am budgeting at this phase. If you also have any little tips on putting together aquariums on your own, I would like to hear them, I have read 5 or 6 guides on the web, but I am sure everyone has found a maybe different or better way of doing some things.


Active Member
Hey tank sounds cool. On the lighting thing, you really should set up with MH lighting. Especially if you want any mid to high light corals down the road. I know they seem to be pricey but they are well worth it IMO.


New Member
But I hear they nock you on your rear when it comes to utility bills, not just their own draw, but that on your air conditioner as well..
well.. if I have to... I guess I have to...
anyone know what size and how many I should get? corals are an interest to me so I might as well bite the big one.
anyone tell me how they impacted their utility bill as well? :)
thanks for your imput guys.