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  1. sokal reefin

    what is Nano?

  2. sokal reefin

    More Actinic?!

    Yeah, that's already been done, I have the 03 in the front and the 10k in the back. I'm starting to think about just switching out the 03 bulb for a Hamilton actinic or a CSL actinic.. anyone want to a buy a 55watt hellolight 03 bulb thats been used for less then a month? :D
  3. sokal reefin

    More Actinic?!

    Hmm.. that doesn't sound good.. anyone else with thoughts on this?
  4. sokal reefin

    More Actinic?!

    I currently have a 29 gal. with a 65watt 10,000k and a 55watt 03 Actinic and the color of the tank is sooo white. Would it be okay to add another 55watt 03 Actinic retro to the tank to balance out the color?
  5. sokal reefin

    my tank crashed what do i do now

    Without any information given so far I'd suggest test your water and do a couple water changes...
  6. sokal reefin


    I just bought a fourline wrasse, very beautiful and active fish.
  7. sokal reefin

    what should i pay for a used 72 bow?

    100 bucks for a 72 bow with stand and canopy? You're kidding right? Next you're gonna tell me 2 x 175 MH retrofit should cost around 50 bucks.. and the skimmer no more then 30..
  8. sokal reefin

    Ricordea for sale......

    I've never heard of these SIKE ricordias.. are they new? How much? :rolleyes:
  9. sokal reefin

    Grape Caulerpa, friend or foe?

    I'm setting up a 10 gal. fuge for my tank & probably will not have the light on 24/7. So would grape caulerpa be a good choice for me since most people tend to use 24 hour lighting for this type of caulerpa so it doesn't go asexual. I have access to spaghetti macroalgae as well as was wondering...
  10. sokal reefin

    10 Gal. Canopy and CSL 2 x 32 retrofit for Sale.

    I've just set up a 29 gallon reef and now have available my 10 gallon pine canopy as well as my custom sea life 2 x 32 watt retrofit kit for sale. The canopy is a light pine color and in excellent condition, no scratches or dings whatsoever and the retrofit kit has individual switches for...
  11. sokal reefin

    Euro Reef Skimmer on a 29 gal.

    I've already made up my mind that I'm going to get a Euro Reef for my 29 reef tank. Question is, should I get the ES5-2 or should pay an extra couple bucks for the ES5-3? Is there much of a difference and which would you buy if you were me?
  12. sokal reefin

    29 Gallon Reefers

    I've just recently set up a 29 gal. and plan on adding a euro reef es5-2 skimmer to my sump.