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  1. broken_tusk

    sea urchin with white things

    My pencil urchin eats of the live rock. He bites of small bits and eats it. When hes is done cleaning of the smal bits of live rock they will come out his top. So what you see could be small bits of live rock.
  2. broken_tusk

    Frogspawn And Hammer Questions

    How hard is it to mix the kalkwaser and stuff to add to the tank if its needed? And on a general basis how often? I really appreciate your answers Bang Guy.
  3. broken_tusk

    Frogspawn And Hammer Questions

    So if I have one Frogspawn and one Hammer in a 125g tank, will water changes with ro water keep the levels up enough?
  4. broken_tusk

    Frogspawn And Hammer Questions

    Thank you for you answer. But I have a few more questions. What does NSW stand for? What level of Calcium and Carbonate should the water contain? So a calcium reactor would be needed?
  5. broken_tusk

    Frogspawn And Hammer Questions

    Please help me figuer these questions out.
  6. broken_tusk

    Frogspawn And Hammer Questions

    Will VHO Lights Do? 660 watts over 125 gal Do They Need Calcium? What Else Do They Need That Anemones Don't?
  7. broken_tusk

    How To Filter Free Floating Food

    How do you filter free-floating food and such? Do you let it dissolve in the tank and then skim it out? Do you have a filter sock that you have to empty ever so often? Or any other way? What would be the way to filter free-floating food and such?
  8. broken_tusk

    Changing From CC To Sand

    Yes I have a big bucket, all of the water will fit in it.
  9. broken_tusk

    Changing From CC To Sand

    Thanx for you help
  10. broken_tusk

    Changing From CC To Sand

    Im wanting to change from CC to sand. Ive had my 55 FO for two years now. Can I just get normal play sand from a local hardware store? Should I sterelize it, if so how? Is it ok to just empty out the tank and remove the cc and add the sand? Im removing 2 - 3 inches of cc and replacing it with 1...
  11. broken_tusk

    Tank middle brace cracked

    My 55 was also cracked when i bought it. My brace had a 3/4 inch grove in it. What I did was truned the tank up side down and filled the middle brace with epxy glue and a metal mesh strip.
  12. broken_tusk

    Where to drill

    I was planing on having a few anemones a collection of shrimps and a few fish. Was planing on two overflows. Im not sure about the closed loop yet ( not sure how to build one yet).
  13. broken_tusk

    Where to drill

    Im wondering where would the best place be to drill a 125 gal tank. Im having it built for me. Where should I tell the guy to drill the bottom? Close to the corners or 1/4 of the tank in from the corner? What size should I have him make the holes? Should I have him drill extra holes for return...
  14. broken_tusk

    How Many Clown Fish In A Tank?

    IM working on getting a 125G tank. I would like to make it into a reef tank with only Clown fish as far as fish goes. Since the tank is not so small is it ok to mix clowns? If it is not ok to mix clowns,then how many clowns can I have of the same breed?
  15. broken_tusk

    Where To Buy A New Tank

    Where On The Internet Can I Order A Glass Tank. Like A 100 Gal To 200 Gal.