Search results

  1. bb7551

    10G nano lighting

    I am debating on weather to set up my 10 gal into a nano or not, so I'm looking at cost. I basically want 99.9% softies, I may dabble in SPS, but shrooms, zoos, and smaller xenia I think, look best in nanos. So I was wondering if you could recommend a good (low cost) light to keep these guys...
  2. bb7551

    2700 gallon aquarium pics

    Requiem may I contact you? Your email is disabled on the sight Please email me, at I'd like your opinion on designing my shark tank Thanks!
  3. bb7551

    whey even....

    if hypo keeps desiese away pretty well and fish live well in it.... why not just keep your SG at the hypo level? It would keep the fish almost completley desease free plus you save money? so why not? Thinking out loud here. John
  4. bb7551

    natural salt water

    I live in south jersey, and I do NOT support chain stores, I may get something off the net everyonce and a while but that is it. John
  5. bb7551


    Joe, can you email me at thanks. John
  6. bb7551

    natural salt water

    well, around here the cheapest place I could find was 22.50 plus tax for a bag that makes 50 gallons unless I prder on the net. John
  7. bb7551

    natural salt water

    it would be in air tight containers, And would prolly have a cheap power head in it, to keep it from stagnating. John
  8. bb7551

    $300,000 aquarium

    I could see novice150 doing this in the next few years for his black tip reef shark. lol
  9. bb7551

    Just saw this on Yahoo(nemo thing)

    :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: New to me..... NOT, I could have told them that and I bet it took them a few years to come to this conclusion :rolleyes: LOL John
  10. bb7551

    natural salt water

    How long can I keep natural salt water stored? You see, I am about 9 miles or so away from a beach and can deffinatly get natural sea water. I was just wondering how long I can keep it stored, like If I get a 55 gallon drum full and don't use it for a month, or three, it would be OK right...
  11. bb7551

    OK, I got a fluorex light fixture....

    How do I tank it appart? Unscrew those two screws at the bottom of the fixture?and all of it is under it? Thanks, John
  12. bb7551

    Nano Size...

    JUST what I was thinking it even looks to big now for that tank. John
  13. bb7551

    OK, I got a fluorex light fixture....

    Now, How can I help out with the heat it makes? Like were can I drill holes for better heat exhaust? And can I take the clear thing off? and hang it about 4 or 5 inches away from the water? Thanks! John
  14. bb7551

    coming up for a "rule" for stocking fish

    multiply the lenghth of the fish by the height of the fish and devide that by two, like a 12x8 fish would need 48 gallons (12x8/2=48) John
  15. bb7551

    coming up for a "rule" for stocking fish

    the fish is 2 foot wide by 2 foot tall? if it is, then yes a 1044 gal tank is good
  16. bb7551

    coming up for a "rule" for stocking fish

    OK, SO let say you need at least a ten gallon tank?
  17. bb7551

    coming up for a "rule" for stocking fish

    I was thinking about the "rules" for stocking fish, like the 1 in = 5 gal. And I have decided that is one of the WORST kind of advice people can give, you know? I mean, a three inch trigger puts out more waste then 3 one inch gramas SO I was REALLY thinking about this... If you multiply the...
  18. bb7551

    Im setting up a new tank!

    Well, 40 gal is OK, the bigger the better. You will always want to go bigger. If you don't want to spend to much money, then I would suggest a freshwater tank. for a 40 gal you would need: at least 40 lbs of LR whitch will run you 200 bucks or more. a filter, whitch should run at least 30...
  19. bb7551

    moorish idol?

    once they get eating they are OK, but most of the time they will live for one or two years and then without any warning die. some people have kep them for 5 or 6 years without any problem. John
  20. bb7551

    Your thoughts/comments on a 1G nano tank

    dvskin, is there any place you know of you can get them? thanks. john