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  1. bb7551

    Tiny Tanks?

    Hello All, I have ben looking at the tiny tanks (under 3 gallons) for a little bit and want to start one... I know where to get the pc and everything. just need some ideas as to what to put in it, where to put everything ect, I was thinking of a mushroom wall, Making a LR just big enough for a...
  2. bb7551

    HUMH, I got a GREAT JOB

    K, Will nix the moray and the clown, What can I replace the moray with? Also, I decided agenst having a panther grouper in there, What else can I put in? John
  3. bb7551

    OT. I am feeling old.

    I will be 16 in three weeks from the first of july and I know of some of them, I think I even told someone they sound like a boraken record, See we are not all so young LOL:D John
  4. bb7551

    stocking list for 90 gallon?

    Just checkin' LOL :D
  5. bb7551

    stocking list for 90 gallon?

    let it go where?
  6. bb7551


    I will be going to the public aquarium to see what else I can putin the touch tank. John
  7. bb7551


    I was thinking for the touch tank, i would have star fish and urchins, like at the public aquarium, John
  8. bb7551


    I would abosolutly LOVE to have a big pet store that I can compete with the lfs, IMO it will be pretty easy to compete with the lfs because they are charging like 25 bucks fo a biowheel mini, some of there stuff is OK priced and would cost the same as if I got it of the net others are litterally...
  9. bb7551


    Hey everybody, I know what I want to do in life lol, make my own business, I have taken classes and have ran a fake business for a full year. Now, I ACTUALLY want to think about what exactly I am going to do when I do get the funding. I want to make a pet store that will thrive with the other 2...
  10. bb7551

    mad at the pet store-what to do?

    I would buy it, and they would give me a good price, but unfortinatly, I don't have the money for a 2,000 gallon tank, you know? NE body need a nurse shark and have a tank big enough, or can build one, the shark an't going anyware anyime soon John
  11. bb7551

    mad at the pet store-what to do?

    At the pet store, I see what can be considerd crule in my eyes, they have a nurse shark, in a 180 gallon tank, it was on sale when it first opend but a year after that they took the sign down because noone was buying it. It has grown about a foot in the last two year and they are hardly feeding...
  12. bb7551

    HUMH, I got a GREAT JOB

    Well, I will be ordering the fish in about 3 or 4 weeks, and The triggers will not be that big, they should be around 4 inches each, as well as the lion the eel should be about a foot, so I don't expect a large bio load, There is no real way I can put in a clown trigger into this tank? I keep...
  13. bb7551

    4'x8'x6" tank

    do you think 12 would be good (actuall water height from sand to top of water level)? I know you said 18, but you do mean wih the sand bed and the water from the top, right? thanks! John
  14. bb7551

    HUMH, I got a GREAT JOB

    Well, Yeah, he can ID all the different kinds of nasty little diseases, I have givven him my swf books and he is getting excited about the new tank, I will help him the first few months and will tell him what to do on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis, I am not ALL that experianced but I...
  15. bb7551

    one part epoxy???

    I am interested in a plywood/glass tank, my questions is: its it OK to use pne part epoxy as the paint for my plywood/epoxy tank? Thank you. John
  16. bb7551

    4'x8'x6" tank

    I have a chance to go to a class whitch makes crab tanks and this is the size they will be making, can I use this for rays? That would be AWSOME if I could make it so I can put it above the heads of people entering the basement. How tall would the tank need to be to have rays? Thanks, john
  17. bb7551

    HUMH, I got a GREAT JOB

    Yep, ;) that is what he thinks, this is his first tank so he has nothing to compare it to, What would you suggest stocking it with? thanks, john
  18. bb7551

    HUMH, I got a GREAT JOB

    Hey a person I know is getting a 125 gallon fish tnak and is looking ito saltwater, He thought it would be to much trouble to keep one, SO I steped in and told them that once it is set up it is not that much harder then a freshwater, So he is like OK I will pay you 100 dollars plus the cost of...
  19. bb7551

    battery powerd air pumps...

    are these a good idea? should I amke a point to get one or two of these? The power dose go out alot in the summer, This should put in the oxygen and circulate the water a little correct? any ideas? thanks, John
  20. bb7551

    Pleas help me get into the hobby...

    but... Why take more from the ocean then you need to? How do you think animals become indangerd, most everything is ok in moderation, but collecting figi rock reduces the growing space alot of corals need to live, not to mention the animals that live off of them. you can just grow your own with...