Pleas help me get into the hobby...

I just had to say.... I got a 55 gallon tank w/ stand and evrything I needed FREE!! (some lady lost all her fish and blamed it on the tank! AS IF!)
IME nanos are soooo much harder to keep than bigger tanks, w/ nanos a little spill could cause an outbreak of DEATH! :eek:
BTW, I'm "young" (13) and I had no problems with keeping my tanks goin'. Of course, all my friends think I'm a freak cuz I'm obsessed w/ fish (muahahaha).;)


Active Member

Originally posted by clownfish_and_bettas
, I'm "young" (13) and I had no problems with keeping my tanks goin'. Of course, all my friends think I'm a freak cuz I'm obsessed w/ fish (muahahaha).;)

I'm 27 and all my freinds still think I'm a freak, it does not stop, but I attend a great little support group called


Humh, Yeah, my spelling sucks, but hey, I get my point across. Homework, for the last three days I have looked at almost every website with the word saltwater and/or fish in it. HAve heard SOOO many different opinions, and saw alot of different set ups. Now, I have to think and see exactly what I want to do. I havn't asked anyone in the local pet stores do to the fact I know ALOT more then they do. if you don't think so, just think of selling someone a yellow tank as a lemon angel, or a morish idol as a emperor angelfish, just two of the mestakes I have seen while I was in there. emagine what happens the other 3 hours of the day when I am not there LOL. Please don't think I am a whitty know it all, In some cases I do know alot more then other people. especially on other things like money, saving it, and how not to get in debt over your head. these are all things I have worked with over the last two years in regular school and homeschool. that is the only way i would have known it. John


I won't say how old I am. I counted up to 21,then started going backwards to 18 and I have not aged since.
I read another post here the other day and the advice was "Be frugal but do not be cheap.This is an expensive hobby". That is very good advice. Look around for used stuff. A poster on this thread found her tank for free. There are deals like that out there to be found if you have the patience.
I started out with a 75 gallon from Petsmart. I took it back,along with the stand,light etc....I found a 125 gallon in the local paper with a wood stand and glass top,filters etc....for less than half of the cost of the 75. Spend wisely!


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by JRein40806
II read another post here the other day and the advice was "Be frugal but do not be cheap.This is an expensive hobby". That is very good advice. Look around for used stuff.

I agree. When I (recently) got back into saltwater, I was amazed how expensive this hobby had become. Not only is it the $250+++ just for the tank stand and lights, but about the same amount for live rock, sand, and so on. After the tank, the only thing you need for a sucessful tank, is the salt mix and some source of light. $10 worth of playsand is nice. Test kits are helpful but actually optional. Macro algae is extremly benificial and generally ignored to the newbie. And a filter will help keep things looking nicer.


don't get LR or LS, the ocean needs it more then we do, Plus, if you get aquacultured rock, or make your own, it is alot cheaper, and you can specify what size color or shape that you want. John


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by bb7551
don't get LR or LS, the ocean needs it more then we do, Plus, if you get aquacultured rock, or make your own, it is alot cheaper, and you can specify what size color or shape that you want. John

I think you are the only other person to post the LR or LS is not necessary. Glad to know someone else agrees.


all you need is one seed rock, that can also be aquacultured, you can get them from all kinds of places, te ocean needs the filtration more then we do, we have wet dry filters, they don't Also, the ocean is designed for fish, so whenever possable, buy aquacultured John


Where do you think the fish come from? Sure,some are tank raised,but there had to be 2 fish that came from the ocean.
We will die off long before this planet does. Enjoy the lr and ls. The ocean gets new rock through shifts in the plates and volcanic activity. Sand is produce from the rocks. The oceans are fine. In fact I wish I was near one now:cool:


then lets stop recycling and just throw everyhting into the ocean, Why not, they are fine now right?


Active Member
Everybody calm down, there are a couple of different opinions let's not get into a fight here. Not in the new hobbyist forum at the very least, lots of new people come straight to this forum, so lets not scare them away.
listen, if you all want to fight go ahead, if you have such a problem with using live rocks and sand because it comes from the ocean, like the ohter guy said, don't have fish either, I think you guys should just have tanks with water in it, wait, water comes from the earth too! hmmm....
these things are already collected by dealers and they won't be set free just because you boycott the sale of them, if they're taken from the ocean and you don't like it and you care so much for them, why don't you just give those things a home in your tank
IMO rock, fish, sand or coral etc.....dyed, potured, etc. everything deserves a home and us hobbyist and orgs are the only ones that can give them one where they won't be messed with the rest of their life, I guess you can call them orphans....??


but... Why take more from the ocean then you need to? How do you think animals become indangerd, most everything is ok in moderation, but collecting figi rock reduces the growing space alot of corals need to live, not to mention the animals that live off of them. you can just grow your own with no problem, and save a little part of a reef. think if lets say 500 people made 50 lbs of rock for themselves that would be 25,000 lbs of LR that is still in the ocean and you have the adid advantage of getting the shapes and sizes you want. It is ALOT cheaper also. John
i understand your position on taking from the ocean but if you make 2500 lbs of live rocks yourself, that doesn't mean you save that from the ocean, that just means that that much more is still sitting in the fish store rotting waiting for someone to give it a home..........taking from nature is wrong yes, but if it has already been taken, we can't do anything about it no matter how much we try, anyways this is the wrong tread for this discussion, I agree strongly with you that things shouldn't be taken but I also believe that things shouldn't be left in the stores to die