

Hey everybody, I know what I want to do in life lol, make my own business, I have taken classes and have ran a fake business for a full year. Now, I ACTUALLY want to think about what exactly I am going to do when I do get the funding. I want to make a pet store that will thrive with the other 2 pet stores around, one has an OK location and the other one has a three store buying power. I need to beat them out, and come through thriving. I would like to add buying power by having a website that people can buy supplys from, and I can ship, but would people buy from it, say rather then the other then the other, larger pet website, my goal is to match the different website's prices with the ones in my store, and on the website. Thank you, John
we are in process of opening a store right now, where I live we only have one lfs, but since we're good friends I'm opening in a different city that is nearby so that we serve to the entire region.... a web site is tuff competition and should be seriously reconsidered
e-business is tough S***, if you do not notice only swf and maybe a couple others are really succesful at doing it
the best way to compete agaisnt another company is to carry what they do not carry and have really competitive prices or work in conjunction with them to bring the community a good line of fish stores
provide the public with a wide selection, our's will be gigantic...almost like a fish super store
your best bet is to set-up the store first and see how it goes and then maybe in a couple of years after good exp. open up a web store, but that is my opinion
good luck


Active Member

Originally posted by firefishspike
, but that is my opinion
good luck

a ver good one, IMO. I like your opinion on the fact. I too have researched it in the past.


I would abosolutly LOVE to have a big pet store that I can compete with the lfs, IMO it will be pretty easy to compete with the lfs because they are charging like 25 bucks fo a biowheel mini, some of there stuff is OK priced and would cost the same as if I got it of the net others are litterally 3-4 times what i could get them for on the net, plus shipping! One lfs has a three store buying power, and has about 300-400 tanks with about 75% fresh adn the rest salt, and then they have two 180 tanks, one with a large catfish in it and the other, a shark, these are the show fish in the store, I thought I would use a touch tank to bring people in, would that work? I know kids LOVE touching things, and then they can beg their mom or dad for a tank of their own. my only REAL problem is money, firefishspike, how big will your pet store be? I plain on having about 500 15 gallon fresh water and a 150 tank salt wall, Dose this sound sizable, or oversized? I know the LFS is always trying to find a way to mix fish so they can get as many kinds as they can. Thanks! John



Originally posted by bb7551
I thought I would use a touch tank to bring people in, would that work?

The lady I bought my tank from told me that there are several things that, once introduced into a tank, will kill fish faster than anything. Some of them being shampoo, conditioner, lotion, soap of any kind, and especially aftershave.
I realize the idea of a petting zoo sounds interesting but you won't have any idea what these people have on their hands, and you have no idea what you could be introducing into the water. Also...I don't know many fish other than my little porc puffer that like to be pet, and even he has some good teeth on him.
If you do go through with this idea, be careful. And good luck with your fish store! Just make sure you consider all the risk before hand, my father had a very successful computer business for a long time but what goes up must come down.


I was thinking for the touch tank, i would have star fish and urchins, like at the public aquarium, John


that could work...i thought you meant fish at first and i was thinking "how would you keep the fish from hiding at the botom of the tank?"
A starfish touch tank would be interesting, same with sea urchins. I wouldn't touch my sea urchin for the longest time even though the woman I bought my tank from picked him up with her bare hands like he was no big deal. And when I touched my starfish for the first time (red general) he felt rather interesting.
It's a great idea I really hope it works out for you :)


chattanooga has such a nice aquarium, next time in Tennessee i hope to see it now that I'm old enough to recognize some of the fish I'll see :)


couple thoughts on a website...
what I've found helpful in going to websites is that the good ones list what the temperment of the fish are, what they eat, what size, and what they will get along with for tankmates. the site should be very clean and easy to navigate - get a professional to build your website. Most out there that are junk and very few are very professional looking. As a web developer/web graphics guy myself I tend to gravitate towards the more professional websites.

joey d

Hey guys,
If you are looking for an online shopping cart that is easy to use and setup.. drop me an email i do this kind of thing for a living !!!


Active Member
I work at a family run fish store and use to manage a different chain petstore in the area. The place I work at right now is called Aquatics & Exotics and I would say we have a pretty reputable name in the area. We have been in business for over 6 years now, with pretty stiff competition around. If you want suggestions we (my self and my boss) would be more than willing to help you out give some advice that we have learned the hard way. Feel free to email me at Saltyboy21@yahoo.com