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  1. laudluvr

    OT: Latest crop circle. Does this means something out there.

    Ok Tim, How do you explain the rains for forty days and forty nights that burned the flesh? As for the "PYR AMIDS" (Fire inside), how was it that Egypt near Gyza was once a rich tropical area, soon to be a red desert? Is there any possible way that they were of a higher use? and not just...
  2. laudluvr

    Need a job????

    Don't shoot the messenger. Take the shuttle bus. LOL
  3. laudluvr

    Need a job????

  4. laudluvr

    Need a job????

    My friend Rob has a fish store in Fort Lauderdale and is desperately seeking a knowledgable person to help in his store. The phone number is 954-565-0947. He is a very nice guy. Thanks, Michael
  5. laudluvr

    South Florida Frag Trade

    I would love to attend. I have a 3 headed Toadstool, but don't have confidence in fragging it yet. My tank is only 2 months old. Let me know. Michael
  6. laudluvr

    What kind of algae is this....?

    Thanks guys. I tested my phosphates again this morning and they are at 0.06ppm. I was also using filtered tap water and that WILL end yesterday. I will begin doing 10-15% water changes weekly until I get phosphates back to zero with NO hair algae. Michael, I read your frustration topic...
  7. laudluvr

    What kind of algae is this....?

    Ammonia 0 trites 0 trates 10ppm phosphates 0
  8. laudluvr

    pics of you guys!

    Congratulations Birdy!!! You sure have your hands full it seems. We are expecting our first. ONE not two. LOL
  9. laudluvr

    Toadstool Leather in retreat...

    Thanks for the input Clarkii. Sammy, that makes a lot of sense. Are you saying to put it in quickly and quietly and letting it rebound, then later get it into the desired spot?
  10. laudluvr

    looking for suggestions for a 3 gal

    I know nuthing (said in my best schultz voice), but....... For your entertainment during the day, wouldn't a clown hosted in something be quite a great separation from reality for a moment? They seem to hang in one place and tight spaces seem to not be an issue with them. Michael
  11. laudluvr

    Toadstool Leather in retreat...

    Alrighty!! 3 days later and a cellophane looking layer came off and the tenticles are coming back out. You guys are GOOD!!! Thanks.
  12. laudluvr

    OT: Lesleybird

    Lesleybird, thanks for the info regarding Copper in my tank. None to be found TG. I have an African grey, whadda character.
  13. laudluvr

    DSB revolt

    I am 4 weeks into a DSB, soooo I don't know Jack, but.... The only connection that I can think of with having a build up of residue in the DSB would be that of a septic tank comparison. Nothing breaks down 100% of anything. Like a half-life concept, you can never have 0%. Say a DSB breaks down...
  14. laudluvr

    Toadstool Leather in retreat...

    Thanks Beth and Lobster. It opened when I got it home and then I moved it a couple more times. It opened up the first move and then it stayed closed. Thanks for the stone removal from my shoulder. LOL
  15. laudluvr

    Toadstool Leather in retreat...

    I just got this 3 headed toadstool on Tuesday and I have moved him twice to get a good spot over 2 days. He went into retreat all day today AND has become a little white around the edges. As opposed to the light purple. Is this normal? Someone ease my worrying.
  16. laudluvr

    found mantis

    Too bad they don't have a "mantis wand" like at the airports for metal. Then you could scan your rocks and find them. LOL
  17. laudluvr

    The "DO NOT..." Advice List for Saltwater Aquarists

    Do NOT do anything half assed! Do it once and do it right. An old carpenter's proverb.... Measure twice and cut once.
  18. laudluvr

    found mantis

    How do they do cause so much damage? What part of them has all the strength? I am perplexed. LOL
  19. laudluvr


    PhoenixRising, thanks for that info from Sammystingray. It is funny that 5 days after I asked the question, I started seeing a bit of purple algae growing on my front window. I also started seeing bubble algae as well. I read here, "it is not whether or not something will go wrong, it is WHEN...
  20. laudluvr

    bubble coral, leather, purple gorgonia, and pulsing xenia

    Does the temperature rise after a few hours of lights? Maybe it is getting too hot.