bubble coral, leather, purple gorgonia, and pulsing xenia


Is it normal to see these corals opened up for 4-5 hrs and completely shrunk for couple of hours even tho lights is on.

nm reef

Active Member
Tough question to answer ... easy to answer actually...just difficult to be correct.
Yes...those corals can alter their appearence during the course of a day. It is somewhat normal depending on conditions. There could also be negative impacts causing them to appeared stressed.
Really it depends on the circumstances of your system. If the system is stable and mature...without external causes that affect your corals what you are seeing could be natural.
My assortment of corals change from early morning to mid day to evening...and look different after lights out. A few change radically during feeding time too!
NMREEF website
“Whiskey for my men...beer for my horses.”


Changes i see drastically usually after feeding. Water condition is perfect. my lights on from 11 am to about 11pm and during this time i will see them shrinks about twice for a couple hours each, but it will be back to its normal condition. But as soo as i put frozen liquid life (plankton) or micro-vert they will close up with in a matter of 1/2 hr and will not open up again with in 2 hrs or so.
I just would like to know if this is normal. I know they all shrink when lights out as all of the fish hides.


i turned on my lights at 11am today and temp has been about 79-80 and it has been that way since. But it closed up as of an hour ago. Like i said this happens on daily basis. doesnt matter on water level and temp. As it almost look like they are napping for 2 hr each day twice a day when the lights on.


my colts do this off and on all day some days and others they are open all day. even though everything is in the right as far as water conditions. but its healthy my cabbage does it to so I just figured it was something to do with the coral or something bothering it so they close up/