0.0 phospates?


I am starting to grow some algea in the tank. Since I filled the tank with tap water, I assumed I had a phosphate problem I purchased a phosphate sponge and put it in the filter two days ago. Unfortunately, I didn't have a baseline number for the PO4 because I didn't get the test kit until today. I did the test twice and both times it returned a 0.0 reading.
I added new lights a few months ago (went from year old 110w pc to 4x65 pc and new 110w bulbs).
Temp is running a little high (~84)
What else should I test for?
as far as critters go, I have 4 turbos and 16 blue leg hermits (just introduced 15 today).
Thanks all


Active Member
What size was your tank again? The addition of the hermits is sure to help. I think about 1 snail per-gallon and 1- hemit per-gallon is where you should end up. Someone please confirm that, but I think it's about right.


Sorry, I keep all that stuff on my signature, but they have stopped displaying them for some reason :confused:
its a 75 gal tank. I do plan a building a fuge/sump in the next few months but haven't started negotiating with my wife yet (yes I'll leave the seat down, and vacuum, and clean, and play with the kids, now can I please plesae please build a fuge/sump)


I did not know that about the snails and crabs. Learn something new everyday:)
TLK you are on the right track keep up the good work;)


just an interesting update, I followed the directions on the test and it said to wait two minutes and compare to chart. I didn't clean up the test tube and 1 hour late it is registering at 0.25


just one more note, I am using a "Nutrafin" Phosphate (0.0 - 5.0mg/l) test for fresh and salt water. I know some people swear by particular brand name, so I thought I would also include that info


Active Member
just an interesting update, I followed the directions on the test and it said to wait two minutes and compare to chart. I didn't clean up the test tube and 1 hour late it is registering at 0.25
If it says read results after 2 minutes then it will be right after 2 minutes.
Ignore the later reading.


Active Member
How much algae is growing in your tank, and are you running a refugium or have macro growing somewhere. If you have a significant amount of algae it will be using the phosphate in the water to grow, when it dies it will release it back into the water to grow new algae, to remove the phophates you have to remove the algae (which is why we like macro, much easier to remove from a refugium, than pulling it off your LR), your phosphate sponge may have just removed most of the phosphate, mine usually works in 48hrs. In fact most of them tell you to replace them after a couple days because many of them release the phosphates back into the water after they are saturated



Originally posted by col
If it says read results after 2 minutes then it will be right after 2 minutes.
Ignore the later reading.

my point was that it was detecting something even if it took an hour. I did go with the early reading