"0" Cycle Time?


Technically, if you start a new tank with water and LR from an established, cycled tank, and seed the new aragonite with live aragonite from the cycled tank, can the new tank automatically be considered cycled? Seems logical, but wanted to get your thoughts. Thanks.
Context is that I set up a fuge to do hypo for ich, fyi.
Best regards,
(I'd originally posted this question in the illness forum, and figured I'd try here instead. Thanks!)


i highly believe this.... as my tank saw next to nothing for a cycle.. i said screw it and put more fish in... everything is great as of now, but its been just 3 weeks.


I am goin' with yes (your assumptions are correct). The only risk of any cycle would come from the die off from the new LS. Other than that your dealing with the same as in your tank...when you add new livestock, you will get that little mini-cycle.


Thanks for the replies. I really had no choice but to transfer my fish right away, since they were showing signs of ich. I'd already lost 3 fish trying to treat my 150g FOWLR (and some inverts) with Melafix. That was a friggin disaster. I don't recommend it. I finally broke down and tore down my tank to catch the survivors. They're doing fine so far: I got a small biowheel, an efficient little heater, and am slowly lowering the salinity by replacing a few pints of water several times of day. This helps keeps the water quality up to par and counteracts the effects of feeding on nitrates... Again, thanks for the input!
Best regards,