0bama's latest campaign ploy


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW http:///forum/thread/385623/0bama-s-latest-campaign-ploy/20#post_3383482
Shoes....ameasure that is proven to deter, what is the alterfnative?
The question of the day, and the very essence of the catch-22.
To understand it, you first need to realize that in your example, the shoes, the shoe inspections are not a deterrent. They only deter that method. They do not deter the act. That's what so many people do not understand. These security measures are not stopping any acts, only certain - and certainly not all - means of accomplishing it.
I bet you could sit down with a beer and think up at least 3 ways that you can get past that security with contraband before you get to the bottom of the bottle, given unlimited resolve and no regard to the consequences to your life. It's difficult for average folks to get into that frame of mind... to really get into it... I doubt most of us (myself included) can really get there mentally. That's why people can't truly grasp the concept. In the end, most folks just wrap themselves up in a "false security blanket."
But what do you do? Simply not check shoes? Probably not. Most Americans fail to fully understand that America is not something that just happens. It takes real work, especially when there are those that will die to take it from you, and to make that omlet, you gotta break some eggs. Those eggs can be us... our way of life. Our liberties. Our freedoms. Or, it can be the way of life, liberties, and freedoms of those who endeavor to deprive us of those things.

darthtang aw

Active Member

The question of the day, and the very essence of the catch-22.  
To understand it, you first need to realize that in your example, the shoes, the shoe inspections are not a deterrent.  They only deter that method.  They do not deter the act. That's what so many people do not understand.  These security measures are not stopping any acts, only certain - and certainly not all - means of accomplishing it. 
I bet you could sit down with a beer and think up at least 3 ways that you can get past that security with contraband before you get to the bottom of the bottle, given unlimited resolve and no regard to the consequences to your life.  It's difficult for average folks to get into that frame of mind... to really get into it... I doubt most of us (myself included) can really get there mentally.  That's why people can't truly grasp the concept.  In the end, most folks just wrap themselves up in a "false security blanket."
But what do you do?  Simply not check shoes?  Probably not.   Most Americans fail to fully understand that America is not something that just happens.  It takes real work, especially when there are those that will die to take it from you, and to make that omlet, you gotta break some eggs.  Those eggs can be us... our way of life.  Our liberties.  Our freedoms.  Or, it can be the way of life, liberties, and freedoms of those who endeavor to deprive us of those things.
I can agree with all of that to......what is scary..my box cutter comment is just this..a scenario I thought up that can cause maximum, shutdown an industry...halt an economy......just 12 box cutters on 12 separate planes in the hands of a fanatic willing to die for allah.....no amount of marshal could prevent it.
But again...what is the alternative...to many...freedoms serve no purpose for a dead man.