1,001 Thank You's


Active Member
Thank you CTGretsky for reminding me. Thank you and everyone on this board that has helped me get where I am. I went from a ton of reading....to asking questions....to giving answers. To all the Mods and members, past and present......Thank you. :cheer:
crud....no pics


On the bottom of your tank you have a plastic graph looking thing. I do not. Do I need this if I am going to have corals and zoos? Everyone is always talking about anchoring there stuff - I even hear about them crazy glueing them. I only have a sand substrate and 35 lb of live rock in my 29 galloon hex, will I be able to have these?


Active Member
Stuckinfla -
:D Looks fantastic! Keep up the great work! Whatever advice people have given you, you were the one who needed to ask, and to act on it. Give yourself a pat on the back from me :D

Scary, no you do not need the eggcrate. Stuff is anchored to rocks in order to prevent it being knocked over and lost. You do not need some of these things but lighting is crucial. Lighting, stocking and water quality will determine whether you can keep corals.