1.015 salinity in lfs is this normal?



what should the salinity be in a lfs? I bought some damsels for my daughters 10 gal. and checked the salinity it was 1.015 . I also bought a copperband and I also checked the sal and it was also 1.015 Should it be this low, so diseases don't get on them. Or should it be higher.
I know you have it low when you do hypo.


Some LFS's keep their salinity low to reduce the chance of parasites. However, IMO its no better, if not worse to keep their stock at a low salinity. Unless they're telling everyone who buys livestock there that its at 1.015, nobody will know to acclimate for a longer period of time. With a salinity that low, you'd need to acclimate for a few days, bringing the salinity up very slowly to match your tank. I wouldnt be surprised to find out a lot of their fish die a few days after being sold due to improper acclimation.


I Agree With Tim. Especially When You Buy A Difficult Species. Working Against Yourself If You Buy A Species That Is Already Hard To Keep And Spend The Money And Then You Look In Your Tank And Wanna Cry Cause Its Dead. I've Had That Happen Before Because I Got In A Hurry And Baught A Coral Beauty Angel That Was Infected With Ick. Totally Sucked For A While.. I Would Be Cautious With Them Unless Youv'e Had Good Success..


i'm going to call them tomarro and see what they say they have their sal. set at.


I poured some of the water in a cup (the fish still in bag). then poured it into my hydrometer.


Active Member
thats two low...my lfs quarantines and that is what there quarantine salinity is then they raise the salinity slowely and when its up to 1.024 they put it out for sale

bang guy

Swing-Arm Hydrometers are notoriously inaccurate. If you haven't had it calibrated you should do so.
IMO keeping fish at that low salinity is fine for the few weeks they have them in the store. It does mean a long acclimation period but that shouldn't be a problem if you use a quaranteen tank.


I called them today they said they keep their sal in fish tanks at 1.020-1.024 they said if they keep their sal. that low they would have dead fish. (well no crap. that is why there was a dead copperband in their tank). she said your hydormeter is wrong. I said I have 2 of them and bought them both from YOUR store. hydrometers are only 1mo old. she kept saying I very doubt they are that low "I just checked them. they are not that low"
all they care about is gett the $$$$$$$$ burns me how they lie. that is 1 of 2 lfs around my area. i'm ready to do business else where.


Active Member
A LFS close to me had their invert/coral tank at 1.015. I purchased a clam from them and took out ye old refractometer and couldnt believe what I tested... I acclimated that clam SLOWLY for 6 hours after I found that out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
A specific gravity of 1.014 at 80F is not going to harm a fish in the few weeks before it's sold.
Its gotta be hard on them to take them home and try to get them adjusted to 1.025-1.026 in just a couple hours though.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Speg
Its gotta be hard on them to take them home and try to get them adjusted to 1.025-1.026 in just a couple hours though.
Not if you use a quaranteen tank.

bang guy

I recommend keeping the salinity at 35 - 37ppt unless you are treating for parasites. Long term exposure to low salinity is unhealthy for reef fish.