1.5" mantis found in lr

It is a brown color about an inch and a half long, looks just like a mantis shrimp. It is almost the size around as a pencil, mean too, he kept smacking at the turkey baster my hubby was trying to lure him out with.
He is now in a qt tank until we can find him a home. Lfs does not want him.


man i was just lookin in my tank with a flash light and seens tons of what look like baby shrimp and i looked in the prefilter of my sump and seen tons of them living in the sponge....am i in trouple???
if they are mantis shrimp you need to get them out, in just a matter of a couple of hours this one killed a peppermint.
we ended up taking the rock out and putting it in freshwater, he popped right out.
good luck


Active Member
Originally Posted by jrthomas40
man i was just lookin in my tank with a flash light and seens tons of what look like baby shrimp and i looked in the prefilter of my sump and seen tons of them living in the sponge....am i in trouple???
you could have a colony of mysid shrimp or pods.


i know i had a bunch of mantis in the prefilter because they were big enough to see the frist set of folded legs...now the ones in the tank back have been pods or some other type of shrimp but they were to small to tell what kind...i took my sump apart today and cleaned it the filter pad had all types of stuff in it...mantis, bristle worms, tube worms and probably tons of other stuff that could have been helpful but i had to get the mantis out and cleaning it was the only way...so now i will have to clean filter out more often than the guy at the LFS said...he told me i would be good cleaning it once ever 6 months...HORSE POOPY!!!