1.5 snails & crabs for every gallon ?


I read an article about having 1.5 snails/crabs for every gallon in your tank to maintain algae control and overall maintenance of the tank. there were many questions by other people asking what happens when they eat all the algae, etc. This individual has been doing a ton of research for over 10 years and stated that they will maintain health and have plenty to eat.
Any experience with this many snails/crabs for a clean up crew? Since I have a 90 I guess that would mean I would have a 135 combined. :notsure:


Active Member
thats a very broad statement, I would sugest that it has a lot to do with the type of crabs and snails you purchase, but I would agree that thats about the ratio you want. If you had nothing but strombus macalatus for instance they would have a hard time keeping up with it because they are small, max size is about a half inch. if you had all turbos and light algae growth chances are some would starve. while thats a good general rule of thumb it all depends on the conditions that exist in a given tank.


Active Member
It all depends in the snail.
I have 5 of the big mexican turbos in my 65 with about 20 hermits. I had to move two of the mexicans down into the refugium because I worried they didn't have enough to eat. I have had one of them clear a softball size rock covered with 1/2 hair algae in 2 days.
Hermits... well one per gallon is cool, but that is just because I like them. Snails do a better job IMO.


Active Member
well I have a 100g and there is no way in hell 150 snails and crabs are going in it regardless of type. I dont mind a little elbow grease. I like 0.5 per gallon much better. Picking the right snails are more important than buying a whole lot (and the right snail for me are cerith and nassarious if you have sand. for glass the best snails are the mag float and razor blade snail).
Now if you have a LARGE system where cleaning the glass and sand might be prohibitive/difficult then maybe excessive snails and crabs are warranted.


So let me get this correct:
For Sand bottom Tank use:
Cerith & Nassarious Snails
Glass Cleaners
any more???


I like nerite? (I think thats their name) little guys don't knock small coral frag's around like turbo's. Though you need more of the little buggers. The tongan nassarius are great. About twice the size of the standard ones, if i remember correctly. Algae cowries are fun. Though they are not always visible for days at a time at least IME.
EDIT: yea nerite is the name. They also eat film algae, cyanobacteria, and diatoms.


Active Member
wow, my cleanup crew is very small, looks like i need to go out and buy some more (4 snails, 5 hitchiker snails, 1 cowry, 2 peppermint shrimp) Can I have several white anenome (porcelien) crabs?